The Brackets!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round One: Hausmann v. Hayter!

Raoul Hausmann
1886 - 1971
Austrian; worked in Germany and France


Stanley William Hayter
1901 - 1988
British; worked in France


Vote for the artist of your choice!  Votes go in the comments.  Commentary and links to additional work are welcome.  Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. Holy moly weirdness! Well from just these pictures I would tend toward Hayter, but a little googling and oh yea, Hausmann Dada, right. I'm surprised you didn't put "Mechanical Head" up:

    "Self-portrait of the Dadasopher" is fun too,

  2. Stanley William Hayter, after a googling of other works, but I hope you put up a new post soon to get that green and pink optical yikes a little lower down on the page. Although the more I look at it, the more I like it. Probably something subliminal in there. I LOVE green and pink together! Especially in circles!

  3. Both of these give me a feeling of "I think I should dislike this, but I don't." I'll vote Hayter.

  4. Not to be Hayter (someone had to say it), but I'm going with Hausmann

  5. Collage is kind of my own usual medium, so I'm always interested that it often leaves me a little cold--especially the starkness of photomontage. I like that Hausmann added shadows in the bottom one. And I lost track of time this morning listening to weird recordings of his sound poems! I will take him over the doodly op-arty Hayter, who was apparently a very influential printmaker.

  6. My reaction was luke-warm to both of these. I'm going to vote for Hayter and hope that his work grows on me.

  7. I guess it's going to be Hayter for me!

  8. I'm fond of the Dadaists in theory, but Hausmann just doesn't do much for me aesthetically - I'll go with Hayter.

  9. As a wise man once said: "I'm fond of the Dadaists in theory, but Hausmann just doesn't do much for me aesthetically - I'll go with Hayter."

  10. Here's a tepid vote-by-email for Hausmann!

  11. I like the middle two pictures. But I'll say Hausmann I think.

  12. This hasn't happened since Ghiberti/Ghirlandaio, but Hausmann's late run (the last vote is only five days old) caught him up to Hayter, and we've got a 6-6 First Round tie! So, back to the green room for both of them, and we'll see them again on Saturdays later in the year, when the air is a little warmer and the leaves are back in the trees.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.