The Brackets!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
The Infinite Art Tournament, First Elimination Round #21/64
Faceoff #1: Giambologna v. Gilbert and George
1529 - 1608
Lost badly to Alberto Giacometti in Round 1.
Gilbert and George
born 1942 and 1943
Lost to Harold Gilman in Round 1.
Faceoff #2: Giordano v. Giulio Romano
Luca Giordano
1632 - 1705
Lost to Giorgione in Round 1.
Giulio Romano
1492 - 1546
Thumped by Giotto in Round 1.
Vote for the two artists of your choice! Votes generally go in the comments, but have been known to arrive by email, by postcard, or in a sealed envelope.
Please note that you may vote only once in each face-off. Opining that both of the artists in one of the two face-offs is superior to the other is fine, but casting your votes for two artists in the same face-off is not permissible.
Gilbert/George and Giordano
ReplyDeleteWhat Morgan said - Gilbert & George and Giordano
ReplyDeleteGiambologna and Giulio Romano. NOT WHAT MORGAN SAID AT ALL.
ReplyDeleteI hold a currently unfashionable view that a visual artist is someone who makes things, so I'm not a big fan of artists who primarily engage in theater and commission work from others. Historically, doesn't that put them more in the role of patrons rather than artists? All this, to excuse myself from combing through online video of Gilbert & George before thumbing my nose at them. Looking good, Giambologna!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I am delighted to vote for the wizardly Giulio Romano.
What Elizabeth said, not what Morgan said.
ReplyDeleteWhat Ben said
ReplyDeleteOh, well, Giambologna, yes, and Giulio Romano. Hmm, I always feel like I'm smart and stuff when it turns out I agree with Mrs. 5000.
ReplyDeleteMe: Giambologna by default, and Giulio Romano by prference.
ReplyDeleteGiambologna and Giulio Romano.
ReplyDeleteVote by mail: Giambologna in the top pairing, Giordano in the bottom.
ReplyDeleteOK, this one is officially closed for business, with Giambologna taking care of business 8-2 after an early scare from Gilbert and George, and Giulio Romano dispatching Giordano 7-3.
ReplyDeleteThanks for voting!
Also: Yay! My very least favorite artist(s) in the whole entire tournament will trouble me no more!