The Brackets!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Infinite Art Tournament, First Elimination Round #19/64

Faceoff #1: Francis v. Freud

Sam Francis
1923 - 1994

Lost quite substantially to Jean-Honoré Fragonard in Round 1.


Lucian Freud
1922 - 2011
German; worked in Britain

Lost quite substantially to Helen Frankenthaler in Round 1.

Faceoff #2: Frink v. Froment

Dame Elisabeth Frink
1930 - 1993

Lost quite substantially to Caspar F*cking Friedrich in Round 1.


Nicolas Froment
Active 1450 - 1490

Lost quite substantially to Naum Gabo in Round 1.

Vote for the two artists of your choice! Votes generally go in the comments, but have been known to arrive by email, by postcard, or in a sealed envelope.

Please note that you may vote only once in each face-off.  Opining that both of the artists in one of the two face-offs is superior to the other is fine, but casting your votes for two artists in the same face-off is not permissible.


  1. Frink and Freud. You can see some of Frink's printmaking at:!&ws=acno&wv=list

    My library has these. Awesome.

  2. I don't usually vote for the spattery-my-kid-could-do-this abstract stuff, but it will be Sam Francis in the first faceoff, because I rather like the blue spatters.

    And then of course SHEEP!!!! and Frink for #2.

  3. Francis and Frink. Sounds like a law firm.

  4. Freud and Frink! Sounds like a clothing store for the young and angst-ridden.

  5. Freud and froment

  6. Definitely Francis, it's hard to get that splatter right, so he's got a big tick from me for that.
    The last one is too hard for me to judge, as I like them both a LOT.

  7. Vote by mail! Abstaining on the first pair; pulling for Frink on the second.

  8. First result! Francis takes out Freud by a 9-3 margin. Frink/Froment is still open for a few more days.

  9. And a few more days are up! Frink takes out Froment 7-5. Both contests are now closed; thanks for the votes!


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.