The Brackets!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Infinite Art Tournament Second-Round Elimination: Boltanski v. Boccioni!

If David Bomberg had won against Umberto Boccioni, it would have set up the first ever IAT grudge match, between him and Christian Boltanski.  In the end, it wasn't even close -- Boccioni romped, and only the last vote saved Bomberg from a shutout.  He finished with a record of 1-2 (11 cumulative votes for, 27 against).  Meanwhile, Peter Blake lost a squeaker to leave the tournament this week with a records of 1-2-1 (24-25)

Boltanski beat Bomberg 13-4, and Boccioni beat him 9-1.  Can we infer anything from that about how Boltanski v. Boccioni will pan out? Probably not!  Let the voting begin!

Christian Boltanski
born 1944
  • Trounced David Bomberg in Round 1.
  • Lost to Hieronymous Bosch by a single vote in Round 2 -- YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
  • Nosed past Sir Peter Blake in the Left Bracket Second Round by a two-vote swing. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!

Umberto Boccioni
1882 - 1916

Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting, but likely much longer.


  1. I've voted for both of these artists every time they've come up. They're both great! I like Boccioni better.

  2. I thought I'd be voting Boltanski, and this was with me using my imagination of what it would be like to actually be there. But after the wikipedia read on Boccioni, they had pictures of his cubist portraits and sculptures. So yeah, another vote for the future.

  3. Boccioni. These are fun!

  4. Going for the crazed angles of Boccioni.

  5. Boccioni by a swirling, Italian, futurist mile.

  6. By postcard: "Skipping both Boltansky and Boccioni NO I just looked again, saw the red woman's face, will go for Boccioni.

  7. I vote for Boccioni, which I'm sure comes as a surprise for everyone

  8. A lukewarm vote for Boltanski.

  9. Candida saves Boltanski! But only from a skunking at the hands of the Italian futurist. Boccioni will now take his chances against Giovanni Bellini, starting next week.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.