The Brackets!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round One: van der Goes v. van Gogh!

Hugo van der Goes
1440 - 1482


Vincent van Gogh
1853 - 1890
Dutch; worked in France


Vote for the artist of your choice!  Votes go in the comments.  Commentary and links to additional work are welcome.  Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. I like the komodo dragon interpretation of Satan in the first van der Goes, plus the strategically placed blue flower, and I find the cutout-decoupage-collage style of his second work intriguing, but I van der Go(es) with van Gogh this time.

  2. This guy's pretty good, depending on the matchup... (scrolling down) Oh, have fun in the left bracket, van der Goes.

  3. I know that Van Gogh is so important that they even made a Doctor Who episode about him, but I'm going with van der Goes anyway. Maybe I'm just being contrary. But I really love the attitudes and straight-faced bizzareness in the van der Goes paintings.

  4. Van Gogh... every single time!

  5. Heh, I was wondering what poor soul would come up with van Gogh. Poor van der Goes, bad luck!

  6. I too really like van der Goes, but gotta go with beloved supernova Vincent.

  7. I wasn't a huge fan of Van Gogh until I saw "Wheatfield with Cypruses", which I thought was good enough to swing my opinion of the artist all the way in his favor! Van Gogh for me in this matchup.

  8. The conventional choice - van Gogh

  9. Heather De Munn1:53 AM, July 23, 2013

    The starlight in the 4th painting inspires more religious feeling in me than the first two combined. Could have something to do with not being Christian. Anyway...Van Gogh!

  10. I think I have to go with van der Goes. I surprise myself a bit though - I've always thought of myself as a van Gogh fan, but he's not doing it for me today.

  11. Gotta gogh with Vincent. By an ear.

  12. Well done, Mr. Kemp -- I was wondering when somebody would claim that one.

    I'm more of a Van Gogh fan every year, and feel like Vincent has done as much to teach me to ~see~ as anyone with the possible exception of Ann Piper.

    Yet, van der Goes. Willya look at the humanity of those SHEPHERDS!

  13. I like van Gogh and van der Goes pretty much as well as the next person, which has been proven by the fact that most everything I wanted to say has already been said, and I agree with it all.

    I think I may vote differently when I'm on my laptop than when I'm on my desktop, but in any case the vote today tips towards van Gogh.

  14. Do you even really need to ask?
    Van Gogh of course.

  15. I am in receipt of a postcard vote for van Gogh.

  16. We've all been wondering how this one would go down: it's the Dutchman, by a whopping 13-3! Oh, wait, which Dutchman? Vincent Van Gogh! He loved color and he let it show.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.