The Brackets!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Wednesday Post

Stuck Outside of Memphis With the Mobile Blues Again
A Boring Postcard Triptych.

KENNEDY VETERANS ADMINISTRATION HOSPITAL at Getwell Road, Memphis, Tennessee.  One of the three largest paraplegic centers in the United States.  This 1750-bed hospital is one of the Veterans Administration's finest general medical and surgical hospitals.  Approximately 13,000 veterans are treated here annually.

Dear Harriette,

Well here I am in Memphis.  Very lovely: the temperature got up to 65 today January 21st.  I keep busy just going.  This friend of mine has a car, and we do cover ground will write again later.

Hope you are well.
Love, Ella

Cossitt Library, Memphis Public Library System, 22 South Front

Cossitt Library houses the reference and research collection of the Memphis public library system, and also the downtown circulating library.  Three miles east of the business district is the Main Library, at McLean and Peabody.  Seven branch libraries serve the residential areas.  More than a half million volumes are available.  Special departments are offered for business, science, industry, genealogy, and music.

Dear Harriette

The weather here is clear & cold.  No ice underfoot.  When it does snow it does not lay long it melts before the day is over.  I may get a chance to write a little later. Ella.

Memphis, Tennessee

Dear Harriete, Beautiful weather here.  Have been wanting to write but never got down to it.  Was too busy knitting a Sweater Plus Slippers.  Will call you when I get home will be getting home soon.  Ella


  1. Lots of intrigue in this. Who is Ella? Who is "this friend of mine" with a car, and why is she spending so much time in Memphis knitting sweaters and slippers?

  2. There's definitely intriguing subtext.

    #1: nothing says "we do cover ground" like a postcard of a large paraplegic center.

    #2: "I may get a chance to write a little later"...when I've exhausted the research collection at the Cossitt Library?

    #3: "A Sweater Plus Slippers" must surely be, you know, the trade name for a single, very fetching all-in-one garment. Notoriously Minus Pants.

  3. It's kind of "Waiting For Godot" played out in the medium of boring postcards. The two people try to communicate, but the real letter never gets written. Something is always going to happen, but nothing ever happens. At the end, there is a pair of knitted slippers, but who wants knitted slippers? Fade to black.


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