The Brackets!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Infinite Art Tournament Second-Round Elimination: Caro v. Carrà!

Vittore Carpaccio beat Anthony Caro in the First Round and Carlo Carrà in the Second Round before hitting the Impressionist brick wall of Mary Cassatt in Round Three.  In this contest, Carpaccio's victims face off against each other in the desperate struggle to stay alive in the Left Bracket.  The winner might eventually get a second shot at Carpaccio, if he can make it into Third Round Elmination. 

Leaving the tournament this week with records of 1-2 are Vincenzo Catena (15 cumulative votes for, 21 against) and George Catlin (15-18).

Sir Anthony Caro
born 1924

Carlo Carrà
1881 - 1966
  • Defeated 16th century Italian Annibale Carracci by a landslide in Round 1.
  • Lost to 16th century Italian Vittore Carpaccio in Round 2.
  • Made it past American George Catlin in the Left Bracket Second Round by a two-vote swing. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!

Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting, but likely much longer.


  1. I really enjoy Carra. He gets my vote.

  2. Definitely Carrà. That horse-racey thing is still one of my favorites.

  3. I'll go with Carra also.

  4. Caro seems to have an unfair advantage by having his work appear in a nice field full of geese. I'd think Carra's work might also look better presented with this kind of a backdrop but then looking at the votes it doesn't seem to have helped Caro much anyway.

  5. Tough vote for me and I kind of want to vote for Tony "Jumkyard Dog" Caro. Fairly or not, I don't love that it feels like Carra tries out a new genre for a little while before changing. Still, those tries were pretty awesome. And Woman on a Balcony? Incredibly awesome. So I'll cast another vote for Carra.

  6. Caro. Am I coming around to sculpture?

  7. Here's a vote-by-mail for Caro.

  8. I was pretty much even based on the images here, but after a good Googling my vote goes to Carrà.

  9. Ummmmm... Caro. I'm glad you mentioned giving 'em a good Googling, though; I did end up liking Carra better.

  10. Carra. Caro is a bit too mundane.

  11. Caro got some votes eventually here, but it was too little too late as Carra' pelted on to a 10-4 victory. From Carra'/Caro to Carra'/Corot! That's fun to say.

    Thanks for your votes.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.