The Brackets!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Wednesday Post

Greetings From Colorado!
Being a statistical breakdown of the 5000s' recent journey to the Centennial State


Showing one of many switchbacks on U.S. Highway 40 going over 11,307-ft Berthoud Pass.  In the background is Red Mountain and site of the Urad molybdenum mine.

When it became apparent that we were going to have an extra few days on our hands in Colorado, Mrs.5000 was firm and decisive.  "I want to get counties in Eastern Colorado," she said.  "I'm really close to completing the state."

It's is a blessing when your spouse shares some of your interests.  Arbitrary travel is not for everyone.

In accordance with her wishes, I prepared a tactical map laying out our objectives:

This showed the counties needed by Mrs.5000 in blue and the ones needed by me in purple.  This turned out to be very handy in our hour to hour decision-making process.  Our ultimate route is shown in part here, in this exclusive early-stage glimpse of the digitization of the Atlas of All Roads Traveled:

On the first day of the road-trip proper, I scored three Colorado counties while Mrs.5000 bagged two plus another in New Mexico.  On day two, as we pulled off the five-states-in-two-hours trick and then cruised north on Colorado's Eastern tier, Mrs.5000 hit a nine-county jackpot, taking three more in Colorado, two apiece in Oklahoma and Kansas, and one apiece in New Mexico and Texas.  I only gathered three more in Colorado.

I am not missing many Colorado counties now, but they are
scattered across the state, making what Mrs.5000 terms a bad "leave."
Mrs.5000 keeps track the old-fashioned way.
Although there were no new states involved (there can't be, here on the mainland) it was nice to reestablish some (admittedly marginal) credibility with Texas after nearly 16 years, with Oklahoma after 15, and with Kansas -- where I lived for nearly a decade! -- after nearly 14 years away.

Ad Astra per Aspera
There are of course many ways to collect states.  Some people go for shot glasses.  My most recent form of collection is to run in 'em.  Unfortunately it wasn't practical to stop for a run in Texas or Oklahoma, but on May 25 New Mexico became my eleventh state running-wise.

I hope you had an excellent Memorial Day weekend too.


  1. In what I can only consider to be an amazing coincidence, somebody else I know just posted on fb, as part of a larger statistical breakdown, that he and his wife passed through 175 counties on their recent 12.5-day road-trip. However, he didn't say how many of them were new counties. I'm a little alarmed that I'm tempted to go ask now,

  2. Ooh, good question. He didn't say. With 5,928.4 miles, I'm not sure there was time for running.

  3. Hmm, 34 miles/county. I'm guessing this trip was largely in the southwestern part of the country?

  4. Nevada to the East Coast (and back). 16 states, but he doesn't specify which (though he gave the interstates they travelled on).

  5. I somehow just stumbled across your blog after a long pause. AND, I can't believe that you didn't tell me you were traveling to Custer county. That's where our new home is very slowly taking shape. Was it windy the day you were there?

  6. I don't remember windy. It was a bit spare. I thought you were somewhere in New Mexico.


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