The Brackets!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Infinite Art Tournament, Left Bracket Second Round: Appel v. Anguissola!

Karel Appel
1921 - 2006
Dutch; worked internationally

Lost to Alexander Archipenko in Round 1.
Knocked out Jean Arp, eventually, in First Round Elimination.

Sofonisba Anguissola
c.1532 - 1625

Defeated Italian predecessor Antonello da Messina in Round 1 by two votes -- a one-vote swing would have resulted in a draw. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!
Lost to Fra Angelico by a two-vote swing in Round 2 in a match that was thought to be a tie for more than a year. YOUR VOTE EVENTUALLY COUNTS!!!

Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting, but likely much longer.


  1. Appel. It was the umbrella-toting frog.

  2. Sofanisba is a gem. She gets my vote, despite the extraordinary umbrella-toting frog!

  3. Appel's just seem to be having a better time. Anguisola's paintings feel a little awkward to me, great faces on stiff bodies.

  4. I've always really liked both of these artists. I think I'll have to go with Anguissola's oddly comforting normality over Appel's goofy levity, but I think I could go either way depending on my mood.

  5. I am all for Sofanisba Anguissola in this match. That self-portrait is especially awesome.

  6. Yeah - I think I have to go with Anguissola in this match up - I love her facial expressions.

  7. Chalk up another for Anguissola

  8. I have a crush on Anguissola.

  9. Here's an email vote for Anguissola.

  10. The person who cast the email vote for Anguissola is now trying to cast a vote-by-mail for Anguissola. We'll assume this is an oversight rather than a sinister attempt to corrupt the process.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.