The Brackets!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Five Years Ago in the IAT/L&TM5K

They are all still as true as they were in 2008.

Ten Reckless Claims

1. I was the youngest person to ever serve as chairman of the Oregon Association of Fruit Growers.

2. I competed in "skeleton" at the Lillihammer Olympics, but failed to place.

3. I coined the word "twofer."

4. The Oregon State Court of Appeals has blocked my petition to have my last name legally changed to "5000."

5. I created the original version of "PowerPoint" for my own personal use, but lost the code to Bill Gates in a poker game.

6. I knew Julia Roberts when I was twelve at summer camp.

7. I cribbed my PhD dissertation word for word from a dissertation submitted a few years earlier at a different university -- and no one was ever the wiser.

8. I was going to be placed by the Peace Corps as Kim Jong-il's private English tutor, but the plan fell through three days before I was to arrive in Pyongyang.

9. I am good friends with Kevin Bacon's daughter.

10. I am in possession of several shockingly frank love letters that Abraham Lincoln sent my great-great-great-grandmother during his years in the White House. I see no point, however, in sullying the great man's reputation by selling or publishing them.

1 comment:

Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.