The Brackets!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round One: Dürer v. Van Dyck!

Albrecht Dürer
1471 - 1528


Sir Anthony Van Dyck
1599 - 1641
Dutch; worked in Britain


Vote for the artist of your choice!  Votes go in the comments.  Commentary and links to additional work are welcome.  Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. I'm going with Dürer here. The second picture reminds me of my friend Larry.

  2. I'm for Dürer as well - love his woodcuts. I fully expect to come back voting for Van Dyck in the left bracket, though.

  3. I like Van Dyck better, but I can't articulate why.

  4. Powerhouse matchup? Shows what I know about art history since I was thinking this matchup was kind of a dud. I guess I'll vote Durer as well, but I'd like some help from Dr Ken figuring out what metal band singer he looks like.

  5. Sorry Van Dyck, you're not bad, but Dürer? Dürer!

  6. Dürer. That horse of Van Dyck's looks a little like some of the baby Jesuses that are excused because the painters had never seen a real baby.

  7. I think Durer wins this hands down--for artistry and influence, and amazing linework, even if he seems a little too pleased himself in the self-portraits. Also, of course, he wins Best Bunny.

  8. I'm going Van Dyck - there's something dodgy about the eyes in the first of Durer's works...

  9. It's painful when thoroughgoing masters collide already in the First Round. What can you do? You go with your gut. I break for Van Dyck, for the humanity of the humans in the second painting.

  10. An email vote for Dürer here... and may I add, I am impressed by the number of votes that used umlauts.

  11. I vote for Durer but am not in the mood to use an umlaut.

  12. And, in the first decisive First Round victory since Van Dongen trambled on Dossi, Dürer does away with Van Dyck 10 votes to 3. In unexpected circumstances, this match jumps from the 3rd to the 2nd set of brackets, and Dürer will find himself facing Dubuffet in a Second Round match that one suspects won't give him too much stress. But who knows? On any given weekend....

    Voting closed in this one.


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