The Brackets!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Infinite Art Tournament, First Elimination Round Tiebreak #1

It's a minor red-letter day for the Tournament, and hence the red letters: our first ever attempt at resolving ties. A few months ago, Peter Blake tied with Arnold Böcklin in the First Round Elimination.  Then, this weekend, Victor Brauner and Marcel Broodthaers tied, also in "Lb1e," as I call it in the notes.

For those who care: Blake and Brauner, each of whom were the "upper" or first artist in the brackets they tied in, are now competing for the upper of those two brackets; the winner will go on to face Christian Boltanski.  Böcklin and Broodthaers are fighting for the lower bracket and a shot at Daniel Buren.

Everybody gets a third image.  Since First Round Elimination contests are normally held two-at-once, these ones will be too.

Jenners, who wanted to "vote for Brauner and Broodthears and skip the other two" when they were pitted against each other, can do so now if she wants -- but "the other two" are different this time, of course.

Faceoff #1: P. Blake v. Brauner

Sir Peter Blake
born 1932

Lost to William Blake in Round 1.
Tied with Böcklin in First Round Elimination.


Victor Brauner
1903 - 1966
Romanian; worked in France.

Lost to Agnolo Bronzino by a single vote in Round 1. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
Tied with Broodthaers in Round 1 Elimination.  

Faceoff #2: Böcklin v. Broodthaers

Arnold Böcklin
1827 - 1901
German; worked in Italy

Lost to Umberto Boccioni in Round 1.
Tied with Sir Peter Blake in First Round Elimination.


Marcel Broodthaers
1924 - 1976

Lost to Ford Madox Brown in Round 1 by only two votes. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
Tied with Brauner in Round 1 Elimination.  

Vote for the two artists of your choice! Votes generally go in the comments, but have been known to arrive by email, by postcard, or in a sealed envelope.

Please note that you may vote only once in each face-off.  Opining that both of the artists in one of the two face-offs is superior to the other is fine, but casting your votes for two artists in the same face-off is not permissible.


  1. As much as I like The First Real Target?, I still can't get over my aversion towards the heads in the 3rd Peter Blake. On the other hand, I really enjoy Brauner's intense surrealism and the foot-head is my favorite painting of his yet. So Brauner in the top match.

    In the bottom match, I surprised myself by leaning towards Broodthaers - the eyes are strangely compelling and Bocklin's landscapes are duller than most that we've seen in this tournament. Although Bocklin's newest painting has excellent lighting and tension.

    I'm going to pull a Jenners here! Brauner and Broodthaers and skip the other two.

  2. How exciting! But unfortunately, my votes (Broodthaers and Blake) will continue the status quo and join the charge towards eliminating the switcher.

  3. A nod to Blake, and a huzzah to the reliably moody Bocklin over the reliably irritating Broodthaers.

  4. By email: Blake over Brauner. I like the butterflies & don't like Brauner.

    And go Bocklin -- There are many versions of Isle of the Dead, all better than shows in your example where the cypresses are too dark.

  5. P. Blake, and, because I saw a bunch of his works in my blitz run on the MOMA this weekend, Broodthaers. I saw none of the works pictured, but I did see some other pan of mussel shells. And some felt suits. Was he the guy with the felt suits?

  6. P. Blake, and, because I saw a selection of his works in my blitz run on the MOMA this weekend, Broodthaers. I have to say, my participation in the Infinite Art Tournament makes visiting a major art museum THAT MUCH MORE EXCITING.

  7. Nichim: DOESN'T IT JUST?!? I find my heart and eye are really drawn to painters whose names begin with A, B, C, and D.

    Broodthaers gets much love at MOMA. I was surprised by how much. The guy with the felt suit was Beuys.

  8. For my votes, I guess I'm thinking Herr Bocklin for the second, and... golly... it might be even running for the first.

  9. I forgot that I'd already voted, and came back to vote Brauner/Bocklin. So I'm consistent with Bocklin, and now I'm for Brauner.

  10. Hmm... Brauner narrowly in the top matchup, and Böcklin easily in the bottom one (though Broodthaers is a pretty awesome name, I must admit).

  11. Blake and Bocklin, although I've always really liked those oysters for some reason

  12. And both ties break in favor of the gentlemen from the upper bracket, with Blake handling Brauner easily 10-4, and Böcklin taking down Broodthaers in an 8-6 thriller that was up in the air all the way to the last vote.

    Sir Peter will advance to face Boltanski on Tuesday, and Böcklin will jump down in the brackets to face Buren starting Thursday.

    Voting is closed in this match!


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.