The Brackets!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Infinite Art Tournament Round 2: Church v. Claesz!

Frederick Church
1826 - 1900

Brutalized 13th Century master Cimabue in Round 1


Pieter Claesz
1590 - 1661

Beat up on Claude Lorraine in Round 1


Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. Color! Vastness! Light! Church gets my vote over the somewhat dingy (by contrast) though detailed canvases of Claesz.

  2. I love me a good vanitas, but that iceberg got me. Church.

  3. Going with the crowd here - Church FTW!

  4. Church, Church, Church! Who cares about your moldy old leftovers, Claesz?

  5. I was really, really, not looking forward to this matchup, because out of the new artists I've discovered both of these are in the top five. I'm going to have to go against the trend here and vote Claesz, but both of these are going to wreck their respective brackets, so it doesn't much matter.

  6. Wow, these two artists have a lot in common--except the landscapes they are painting happen to be at completely different scales. I continue to be enamored of the ship and iceberg scene, and so will vote for Church.

  7. Claesz gets my vote, but I have to admit that maybe hunger influenced my decision; this was a really close one!

  8. Another for Church. I almost feel like I shouldn't like his paintings so much, for some reason, but I do.

  9. They say you should never shop for groceries or vote on still lifes when you're hungry...

  10. Even though Church's boat-against-an-iceberg picture was my favorite of the six, Claesz's dark realism had me moving in his direction. But I was curious to see what he'd done other than the dinner table. Well, granted my research was limited to a google image search, but 50 pictures in, I'm still at the table, just different angles. And that might be a particularly creepy skull and a fantastic goblet, but, uh yeah, point to the globetrotting Church.

  11. Church … simply because of the iceberg one.

  12. A vote by email says that church "brutalizes" Claesz. That's right. "brutalizes."

  13. And what can I say? Church has mo! Claesz does a good vanitas still life, but as the Vice-Dork for the Southern Division points out, he is not exactly Mr. Range. Whereas Church's landscapes kind of sing.

  14. Chapter 45--in which we discover that Candida's scorn for still-lifes is overcome by her even greater scorn for overly-romanticized landscapes

  15. Claesz! His stale bread is beautiful enough to make me hungry

  16. This contest swings heavily to Church. The admirably consistent and consistently hungry Alison only gets one vote, of course.

    Voting closed in this match.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.