The Brackets!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Wednesday Post

The Past is Virtually a Foreign Country
A package from Sweden

In the mail yesterday was a package graced with these handsome Swedish stamps in classic one-color engraving.

Inside, direct from Oslo-based developer Paradox Interactive, was an old-school CD copy of "Crusader Kings II."

Of this game, which came highly recomended by outgoing blog Dork Morgan, writes
This highly-developed mediaeval strategic game with an enhanced classic system made by Paradox offers a thrilling and absorbing experience of the uncompromising politics - or more precisely - of the European mediaeval life of nobility in the 11th to the 15th century. It doesn't matter if you build great dynasty of yours or not - there are always goals you want to fight for. Crusader Kings II lets you to recreate the history - don't miss this unique opportunity.
Game Informer speaks of its
vast, churning sea of information [which] is Crusader Kings II's greatest strength, but it also the reason the game is as niche as niche gets. You need to bring patience, discipline, and probably a notebook to even scratch its surface, but Crusader Kings II is massively rewarding in its own unique way if you're willing to put in the time and effort it demands.
And the game critic for Quarter to Three says:
there's something mildly sadistic about Crusader Kings II's complexity and reach.
So, yeah, you might not hear much from me for a while.  I'm pretending to be a Duke in 11th Century Iceland right now.

Obviously, this has nothing to do with DorkFest.  (By the way, all DF entries due immediately!)

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Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.