The Brackets!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Infinite Art Tournament: Clemente v. Clouet!

Francesco Clemente
born 1952
Italian; works in the United States


François Clouet
c.1522 - 1572


Vote for the artist of your choice!  Votes go in the comments.  Commentary and links to additional work are welcome.  Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. Clouet, no contest. I like the horse.

  2. You know, I thought I'd be going Clouet as well, but the extended images search switched me. Even though I really dislike the two Clemente pictures here, he actually has some very interesting portraits. And Clouet? He's just a little to corsetty for my taste (Although I also really like that horse).

  3. Chuckdaddy's comments got me googling and at first I wasn't too taken with Clemente, but then I started seeing things like

    Yea, okay!

  4. Two very different artists in time and style. I'll sit this one out for want of more information to make a decision.

  5. Clemente. Although I think the two pictures that you have in the post are ugly, they are somewhat more interesting that Clouet's pictures, and I like the one ChuckDaddy found. I'd resolved not to Google myself in this tourney, but since someone else has gone and done it for me, and I've seen it, well, my opinion has been swayed. And what is that coming out of the top of Clouet's knight's horse? A bowl of fruit?

  6. I guess it was pfly's link that I followed, actually.

  7. Clemente -- love the hand one!

  8. Yeah yeah I Googled also and I'm still going with Clouet. I hope I wasn't swayed by all the brooding artist head shots, but I'm afraid I might have been. Mostly I just admire Clouet's, well, artistry.

  9. Yeah - Clamente, since his pictures are more interesting.

  10. I'm going with Clouet for the craftsmanship and, let's face it, the horse; having said that, the Clemente love has at least dispelled my initial impression that Clemente was completely out of his depth in this tournament.

  11. Here's a vote-by-mail for Clouet.

  12. Clemente had a shot for the hand painting, despite the first one, which looks like an Edward Lear limerick gone very wrong, until I googled, and then I said to myself, "Pick the one with the pretty horsie with the hot-air balloon behind its head!" And then I remembered that that would be anchronistic and inaccurate, but I'm still voting for Clouet.

  13. Clouet scrapes out a tough win, 7-5. Voting is closed in this pairing.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.