The Brackets!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Blatant Filler

Been busy at work!  Haven't had time to read anything or watch anything or do anything!

So, for lack of a Monday post, I took a walk around the block and took some pictures of things.  Mrs.5000 chose her three favorites.

That's it.  That's all I've got.  See ya tomorrow.

Five years ago: Two Ways to Lose Your Partner at the Dinosaur Museum


  1. nice raspberry! also, i can't believe you ran >8 miles yesterday in the heat.

  2. I need to toughen myself up for Hood to Coast.

  3. imagine me saluting your for your valor and superior heat venting skills.

  4. great shots. is that a game of jenga in the first one?

  5. Your first photo made me laugh as I thought it might be American sculptor Carl Andre's exhibit for the Infinite Art tournament. The Tate gallery created controversy in the 70s by buying his sculpture Equivalent VIII for several thousand dollars...

  6. That berry looks gigantic …. or it is a macro.

  7. Wildrover: I bet I could negotiate a comparatively excellent price on that piece for you with my neighbor. Shipping will cost you, of course.

    Andre is 1-1 in the art tournament, and currently throwing down against Josef Albers. I'm an Albers man, myself.

    Jenners: It's a raspberry of above-average size, but nothing extravagant. It's fun to pretend that it's the size of a human head, though.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.