The Brackets!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
The Wednesday Post
Recent Acquisitions to the Michael and Mrs.5000 Boring Postcard Collection
Gleaned from the Greater Portland Postcard & Paper Collectibles Show, February 2011
Thanks to La Gringissima for the tip-off.
4 - James U. Jackson Memorial Bridge, Augusta, Ga.
The new bridge spanning the Savannah River, between Augusta, Ga., and North Augusta, S.C., is a memorial to the late James U. Jackson on North Augusta, who promoted the first bridge over the river at this point. Near the Georgia side of the bridge is the site of Fort Grierson of Revolutionary War fame.
There's a man died here & everybody has gone to his funeral, it seems as if the whole town is dead. Done all my business this morning, have to collect for 2 more this aft. when man gets back from funeral and then I leave for Redding. Write me at Eugene, Oregon, Gen. Del.
Yours, Max
Sanborn Vail & Co.
A Few Marguerites
Dean Lilian, 'Cuse me for not writing sooner. For I was to the city. Come down some time. Regards and wishes to all from all. The weather here is very bad. Answer soon. From Lena Piegaia
Off Strawberry Point
In the flow of ages
about the maturity of time
None of this week's postcards are available for sending. If you would like to have a somewhat less boring (but still quite boring, I assure you) postcard delivered to your own home, that is your right and privilege as a reader of this online entertainment.
You may demand your card in the comments or at InfiniteArtTournament ~at~ gmail.
It cracks me up how mundane the text on the post cards are. But then, I guess if there were something touching or meaningful on the cards they would not have been disposed of so unceremoniously.
ReplyDeleteJust had to look up Sanborn, Vail Co.
Ooh, now I want the guy from Sanborn Vail & Co. to be writing on a postcard published by Sanborn Vail & Co. as he travels up the coast doing the company's business...if only someone had access to the original, because I can't read the publishing data!...Oh, so he must have been writing to his boss? The company name is in an ambiguous location--I thought it referred to Max, but the Mission Street address is (almost) the same our trusty sleuth uncovered--I Googlemapped it, got the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts and a tag for Yuko Ichihara's Wish Granting Shop...who would have expected this postcard to point to a manga in-joke? (If only we could read the postmark we could find out who had died, and perhaps the universe would reveal its meaning...)