The Brackets!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Wednesday Post

Unremarkable Greetings
Gifts of Mrs.5000, Christmas 2011


This scene shows 7 traffic arteries in the foreground, with Coit Tower left, Telephone Bldg. center and Bay Bridge right -- downtown San Francisco, Calif.

Nov 19th (1957)  Dear Dad,

I am writing this card and putting a 3¢ stamp on it and will mail it at the same time I mail the registered letter now let me know how long after the letter that you receive this card. Bring your Xmas seals along to put on cards now I guess I have everything. Love Mother.

Silver Moon Motel
212 S. Beach Blvd
(State Hwy. 39)
Anaheim, California
Phone: JAckson 7-1102
Jack J. Tilley, Owner

Anaheim's most recommended family motel.  With 44 modern units.  Where commercial rates prevail year around.  Kitchens, Television, and Radios.

[August 26, 1963]

Hi -- guess who stayed here on your recommendation -- nice place.  Wayne loves the pool.

Since Sat. afternoon have seen Knott's and -- oy, my poor feet!  Going to go to Marine land today - gerri, art, Milana, & Wayne.

Casino and Tennis Court, Greenbrier Hotel, White Sulpher Springs, W. Va. (2000 Ft. Elevation)

This one is framed, but if I recall correctly the caption says something to the effect that this woman is a professional wildlife scientist, and you really shouldn't feed bears like this yourself.

In case you're wondering, 212 S. Beach Blvd. still seems to be a motel:

...and the Greenbrier Hotel is not only a going concern, but a vast cluster of buildings that looks like the presidential palace of a nineteenth century empire plopped down in the West Virginia hills.


If you would like to receive "Casino and Tennis Court, Greenbrier Hotel," complete with cheerful message and anachronistic postage, send your name and mailing address to our new email address, InfiniteArtTournament@[The popular email service that rhymes with "female"].  [Claimed] Yes, I know I owe some of you postcards.

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