The Brackets!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's the Book Arts!

an occasional Thursday feature highlighting the work of Mrs.5000 and other fabulous book artists.

"Studio Cards"
Laura Davidson, 2010

Regular Playing Card Size
Deck of Cards in box.

The Studio Cards are a relatively recent acquisition in the Michael5000 Book Arts Collection, having been a Christmas gift from Mrs.5000.  They constitute a eminently serviceable deck of standard playing cards, but with each card individually "drawn from the visual language of Boston book artist Laura Davidson."

Each suit is also associated with a theme.  Spades are very specifically birds; hearts are trees, stones, and other natural items; diamonds are buildings and architecture; and clubs are vases, cups, and other containers.

Naturally the trouble with this kind of thing is that, although it is ostensibly for playing card games with, one hates to scuff or bend the 54 little objets d'art.  I think I'm going to play a round or two of solitaire with my deck today, though, just to authenticate the deck of cards as a deck of cards.  I'm like that.

If you wanted a deck of your own, or are shopping early for Christmas for your own husband, there are purchasing instructions here.

1 comment:

Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.