The Brackets!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round 3: Basquiat v. Beckmann

Jean-Michel Basquiat
1960 - 1986

Defeated Georg Baselitz in Round 1
Decisively defeated Italian master Jacopo Bassano in Round 2.


Max Beckmann
1884 - 1950
German; worked in Netherlands and U.S.

Defeated Gentile Bellini in Round 1.
Edged out nineteenth century Frenchman Frederic Bazille in Round 2 by two votes -- YOUR VOTE COUNTS!


Vote for the artist of your choice in the comments, or any other way that works for you. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. Tough one. Jean-Michel Basquiat by a hair.

  2. Wow, this is a tough one for me too. I'll go with Basquiat though. There's something particularly unique about his approach. I mean, it's certainly modern, but not what you think of when think of a modern painting. I also particularly like his second.

  3. Basquait is one of my favorites from this tournament so far, and in this matchup I'll vote for him. I especially like the weird head thing and the newer one - I think the addition of the words really fits his overall style. But it's a shame that Beckmann had to meet him so soon! Both of them are really good artists.

    So far in the 3rd round, Audubon and Balla has been difficult for me as well. I guess that really great artists tend to be alphabetically separated by no more than 6 merely good artists?

  4. Well, I'm going for Beckmann. It doesn't look like his brain threw up on the canvas. (provocative as that may be, aesthetically, it's less compelling.)

  5. Beckmann, though I voted Basquiat last time, I believe.

  6. I don't like either one but Basquiat

  7. I like Beckmann, but will have to tilt toward Basquiat.

  8. Beckmann. Because who could think up a gravity-defying double crucifixion masquerade by fish?

  9. Basquiat (but it was close for me, too).

  10. The more I look at Basquiat, the more it looks like somebody's doodles at the end of a long semester. I'll give him this, though: he has made me sit up and look more carefully at Beckmann, who gets my vote for the first time in this round. He's growing on me.

  11. We have a postcard vote here for Beckmann.

  12. Beckmann, mainly because of first and last figure.

  13. And Basquiat takes it, 9-6. He'll advance to challenge Giacomo Balla in the first match of Round Four. Voting is now closed in this match.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.