The Brackets!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round 1: Brancusi v. Braque

Constantin Brancusi
1876 - 1956
Romanian; worked in France.


Georges Braque
1882 - 1963


Vote for the artist of your choice!  Votes go in the comments.  Commentary and links to additional work are welcome.  Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. Close! I like 'em both. I'll vote Brancusi.

  2. Braques for me! Mmmm, I especially like that second one, my favorite flavor of cubism--the bright, fun, collagy still-life.

  3. Brancusi. Out of these four pieces of art I only like the stone kissy twins.

  4. Brancusi for sculpture Braques for painting

  5. Tsk tsk, mcl, you know it doesn't work like that...

  6. Brancusi, for the kissy twins.

  7. Brancusi. I like the idea that those starkly alone Easter Island figures get to be together (in my mind, whatever Brancusi intended).

  8. Brancusi … just for that first one. So appealing.

  9. Good match up. While I like Braque I really like Brancusi. He did a ton of awesome stuff. Also, I've always gotten a chuckle out of how US Customs refused to let his ''Bird in Space'' sculpture into the US as "art", apparently not believing it could be art. It was admitted as "Kitchen Utensils and Hospital Supplies". Haha!

  10. BTW, a professor in an art history class I once took made a big deal out of the nail and its shadow in that first Braque. Something about cubism exploding space into fractured shards but the whole held together with that one nail. Something about the nail representing traditional painting clinging desperately to the crazy cubism. Yadda yadda, something like that...

  11. And my own vote goes for Braque too. Mmm, Cubism....

  12. Yoiks, it's a tie! That means that Brancusi and Braque stay in Round 1, and will eventually take on play-in artists as they enter the tournament! Look for them again in approximately Summer 2014!

  13. Uh oh. Clerical error? I believe Braque actually won this 7-6. The IAT's Stolen Election?

  14. Chuckdaddy is quite right. Braque actually won this match, 7-6.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.