The Brackets!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round 1: Bonington v. Bonnard

Richard Parkes Bonington
1802 - 1828
English, worked in France


Pierre Bonnard
1867 - 1947


Vote for the artist of your choice!  Votes go in the comments.  Commentary and links to additional work are welcome.  Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. Well, those Boningtons are quite nice, but gotta go with Bonnard.

  2. Bonington, absolutely. Sometimes it's a tough choice but this one seems really obvious to me. Maybe I just don't like soft focus?

  3. Bonington - I like scribbly architectural drawings.

  4. Bonnard … but I'm not too thrilled with either of them.

  5. Chuckdaddy


  6. That first one, and then a boat.
    Go Bonington Go!

  7. This one feels like an especially strong pairing of little-knowns to me. I'm going with Bonnard, pour la lumière.

  8. Bonington, for the first picture, and because I can't imagine somebody buttoning her boots before her top is even on.

  9. Here's a postcard for a while back that says this one is a tie.

  10. And here's an Email in favor of Bonington.

  11. This is very hard. Realism vs Impressionism. I really can't believe that Bonington was only 25 when he died. He perfected his craft very quickly. I really like these boat paintings - I wonder if I had one of his paintings on the cover of a book from my childhood literature books. But in the end, I'm really taken by the trippy quality of Bonnard's work. His color is amazing. And the naked people don't hurt. So, Bonnard it is.

  12. Switching to Bonington!

  13. Chuckdaddy's flip-flop leaves this one tied up 7-7 at the end of voting. Both artists will reappear against vote-in artists later in the first round.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.