The Brackets!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round 1: Botero v. Botticelli

Fernando Botero
born 1932
Colombian; works in France


Sandro Botticelli
1445 - 1510


Vote for the artist of your choice!  Votes go in the comments.  Commentary and links to additional work are welcome.  Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. The Botero is weirdly compelling.

  2. I'm the same as Elizabeth. I can't tell why I like Botero, but I do quite a lot.

  3. I'm so done with Italian Renaissance painters; I can't even tell which ones are better than the others at this point. And botero is awesome


  4. Botero … odd but good odd.

  5. Botero's unique enough to get my vote

  6. Botticelli - no question... such lovely work.

  7. I'd vote for Botero any other day, but this is Botticelli we're talking about here. I hope Botero powers through the losers bracket to finish right up the list where he belongs, but my vote here goes to the master.


  9. Wow, I had not heard of Botero before and I like him quite a lot. I wish he was up against a lesser artist than Botticelli, because I really want to vote for Botero. But...Botticelli? Muss es sein? Ja, es muss sein! Botticelli.

  10. I do like Botero's colors, but I prefer the Botticelli for the amazing leaves and floral prints, and also the crazy scene in the second painting. Gorgeous naked young man passed out leaning on a faun, clothed bored lady staring into the distance, more fauns playing with helmet, lance, and conch? This is some kind of myth, right? Or just whatever Botticelli happened to be thinking about?

  11. On second thought the lady looks less bored and more slightly pained and quietly hopeful that someone will come rescue her from the embarassing situation her date has turned into.

  12. Upon rereading my comment, I can't tell if I was being pretentious or ignorant. And you know what, I think I managed the difficult trick of being both. Go me! My next challenge: being pretentious, ignorant, and insightful at the same time.


  13. Here's an email message that votes for Botticelli, saying: I think that so many of your commenters voting for Botero are perhaps being a bit contrarian. And it's one of the wierder match-ups.

  14. I don't see anything weird about the match-up; Botticelli follows extremely closely after Botero. They've got the same first three letters!

    I think that Botero would be a good choice to do New Yorker covers. And I think that Venus and Mars is perhaps the very finest pornographic image of all time.


  15. I mean Botticelli

  16. Botticelli! And not just because I have been compared to Primavera. (When I was less than half as old as I am now. By an eighty-year-old. Who was a relative.)

  17. Voting is closed in this pairing. Botticelli is heading for the second round, but Botero has some definite mo heading into the left bracket. Welcome to the show, Odduck.


Voting in the Infinite Art Tournament? Awesome. And, please be aware that purely anonymous votes are not counted. You don't need to log in or use your real name, but you must identify yourself in some fashion for your vote to count.