The Brackets!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Infinite Art Tournament, Round 2: Basquiat v. Bassano

Jean-Michel Basquiat
1960 - 1986

Defeated Georg Baselitz in Round 1


Jacopo Bassano
1510 - 1592

Defeated Pompeo Batoni in Round 1.


Vote for the artist of your choice!  Vote in the comments, or any other way that works for you.  Commentary and links to additional work are welcome.  Polls open for at least one month past posting.


  1. The sun-god trickster Basquiat. Though I am amused by the guy falling asleep during the last supper. Strong wine ...

  2. I like Basquiat! Especially the most-recently-revealed painting.

    Are we going to see any round 3 matchups in the near future?

  3. I like the first guy WAY better. Then again, I like weird stuff. When my dad used to show me art books when I was a kid, I'd say "I want to see the weird stuff."

  4. The one that won't be giving me nightmares: Basquiat, er I mean Bassano. :)

    (Just noticed now how young Basquiat was, very interesting (which probably means he didn't produce that much). Doesn't change my vote, but it adds a whole new depth to their art, so thanks for posting the years as well!)

  5. Huh, I used to think I didn't much like Basquiat, but nowadays I seem to. Basquiat.

  6. Basquiat, his movie was way better

  7. One more for Basquiat.

  8. hmm.. I though I had already voted for this.

    Basguiat - cheerful and scribbly.

    And I did like both the movie about him and the movie he was in.

  9. Bassano for me. I like that last supper, and I don't grock Basquiat.

  10. [Baselitz, in my private tourney]

  11. Here's a vote-by-mail: "Bassano. The more I looked at The Last Supper, the more I liked it.

  12. Bassano, for the guy crawling up to play peekaboo (or whatever) with baby Jesus. Everybody else is all "Here's some gold, frankincense, and myrrh, kid," and the old guy is more about to play "I got your nose!"

  13. Voting in closed in this pairing!


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