The Brackets!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's the Globe Arts!

There's a show opening tomorrow (Friday, Dec. 2) that has a Mrs.5000 piece in it!

Although we call it "The Globe Show" here at the Castle, its real name is "Welcome to My World."  It is at the ever-wonderful 23Sandy Gallery, which by intriguing coincidence happens to be located at -- well, near -- the intersection of NE 23rd and Sandy here on the beautiful East Side.  5 to 8 p.m.  Attendance is mandatory.

This seems like the kind of show that Map of the Week would like...


  1. I love it! Congrats to Mrs. 5000. If I still lived in Oregon I'd be there.

  2. Wow - that wife of yours really knows how to rock a globe to its core!
    Was planning a post about another art show. Maybe I'll add this one. Too bad it's kind of a long way to 23rd and Sandy from wherever it is I live.

  3. Man, I should've planned my travels better! I'd love to see this in person.

  4. That's amazing. Almost kind-of steampunk-looking... (if it had a little more copper and maybe a glass tube!)

  5. Mr. X: If you look carefully at the bottom center, you will see the base of what could reasonably be called a "glass tube." Score!


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