Alexander Archipenko
Ukranian; worked in France and the United States.
Defeated Karel Appel in Round 1.
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Italian (Milanese)
Defeated Jean Arp in Round 1.
[It's also Archipenko v. Arcimboldo in the M5K personal tourney.]
Vote for the artist of your choice! Votes go in the comments. Commentary and links to additional work are welcome. Polls open for one month past posting.
I didn't vote for either of these dudes in round 1. But Archimboldo, I guess, for the burr chin.
ReplyDeleteI think I'll go with Archipenko this time, the last two samples of his art remind me of some art my parents had in their house when I was growing up, so nostalgia and all that.
ReplyDeleteI think, however, this crowd would go with Archimboldo, and I'm quite OK with that (I even voted for him the first time I think)
I liked Arcimboldo when he was just a fruit-man guy, but now he's branched out to book-men? That is one awesome painting, and Arcimboldo gets my vote.
ReplyDeleteArcimboldo! I'd never seen the book/money man and I like it. And here's a festive use for books:
It always helps to do the google image search...
ReplyDeleteThis is hard. I realy like them both. But after looking at more of Arcimboldo's work, I'm going to have to go with him, just for the sure genius of it.
Yeah, I'm going to have to go with Arcimboldo.
ReplyDeleteArcimboldo, naturally. But I do think it's really friendly of that one human figure of Archipenko's to be giving the other human a nice backrub.
ReplyDeleteArcimboldo. I've always been pretty happy that there was someone famous for painting pictures of people made out of vegetables.
ReplyDeleteMrs. X says that while Archipenko is prettier, Arcimboldo is more creative, so he gets her vote.
ReplyDeleteHmm, Mrs. X, eh? Very well, but I shall be alert -- ALERT, I tell you -- against the evils of bloc or sockpuppet voting! And so will Mrs.5000!
ReplyDeleteArcimboldo all the way, here.
ReplyDeleteMrs. X is definitely no sock-puppet, though I am not responsible if she votes the same way as me on occasion. We both do have 4 planets conjunct in Libra. But in any case, here is a picture of her at Artscape 2009 in Baltimore, to prove she's no figment:
And yes, that little guy is the X-Man aka the mighty Xerxes Israfel Orion Sebastian X. At about a year. He just turned 3.5, is no longer on the oxygen, and keeps trying to get me to buy him apps for the iPad.
Voting closes in this match-up with a solid victory for Arcimboldo.