The Brackets!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Wednesday Quiz was founded by the London Company in 1607


The Wednesday Quiz, in its third incarnation, is basically the same old weekly game of knowledge, intuition, inductive reasoning, and willingness to risk public embarrassment in a friendly and moderately supportive environment!!  

Traditionally, it is a closed-book quiz.

It is very possible that answers will come out over the weekend.

1. What 1925 movie produced by the Mosfilm studio included this famous image?

2. In mathematics, |a| is a function that can never be less than zero. If a is positive, than |a| - a = 0. If a is negative, than |a| - a = 2a. What is this function called?

3. The biggest city in Switzerland, it is often ranked as having the highest quality of life of anyplace in the world. It is also among the most expensive cities in the world.

4. What is this famous California landmark?

5. He rose to prominance as a member of the Nation of Islam, an organization which he would eventually reject. He took the name El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, but is generally remembered as ______________.

6. What's this city?

7. Founded by the London Company in 1607, it became the first permanent English colony in North America.

8. It runs parallel to the Radius, out past the Humerus.

9. He died of cholera nine days after the premiere of his Sixth Symphony, the Pathétique. Did he contract it negligently  or even with straight-up suicidal intent? We'll never really know. Anyway, what's his name?

10. Here's a definition from a well-known openly collaborative online encyclopedia:
_________ was a term used by the ancient Romans to refer to a people who lived in desert areas in and around the Roman province of Arabia, and who were distinguished from Arabs. In Europe during the Middle Ages the term was expanded to include Arabs, and then all who professed the religion of Islam.... By the time of the Crusades, beginning in 1095, a "__________" had become synonymous with a "Muslim" in European chronicles.
What was the name that the Crusaders called the people whom they wanted to Crusade against?


Record your answer in European chronicles.  


  1. 1. Bible? Blindness? Bomb?
    2. A...bsolutely no idea
    3. Zurich
    4. this Bridal Veil Falls? Maybe just Yosemite Falls?
    5. Malcolm X
    6. Winnipeg?
    7. Virginia
    8. the Ulna
    9. Piotr Tchaikovsky
    10. Saracen?

    Whew...My GPA is trash!

  2. 1. Battleship Potemkin
    2. A..... thing they didn't have when I was in school
    3. Zurich
    4. Yosemite Falls
    5. X, Malcolm
    6. Winnipeg
    7. Virginia
    8. Ulna
    9. Tchaikovsky
    10. Saracen

  3. 1. The Big Parade?
    2. Absolute Value Function
    3. Zurich
    4. Yosemite Falls
    5. Malcolm X
    6. Winnipeg (who are very happy to have their Jets back!)
    7. Virginia
    8. Ulna
    9. Tchaikovsky
    10. Saracen

  4. 1 Battleship Potemkin
    2 um...amplitude?
    3 Zurich
    4 Yosemite Falls
    5 Malcolm X
    6 Winnipeg
    7 Virginia
    8 ulna
    9 Tchaikovsky
    10 Saracen

  5. 1. It may be famous, but it's not known to me. How about Baby Bomb?
    2. An "a" function
    3. Zurich
    4. Yosemite
    5. X, Malcolm
    6. Winnipeg
    7. Virginia
    8. Ulna
    9. Tchiakovsky?
    10. Sssssomething...

  6. 1. Baby Carriage
    2. Absolute Value
    3. Zurich
    4. Yosemite
    5. Malcolm X
    6. Winnipeg, Manitoba
    7. Virginia
    8. Ulna
    9. Tchaikovsky
    10. Sinners, and I defy you to tell me that this answer is incorrect.

  7. 1. Bwaaa! Sure, start out with a hard one.
    2. absolute
    3. Zurich
    4. Yosemite Falls
    5. X-ray Man!
    6. Winnipeggy
    7. Virginny
    8. Ulnanny
    9. Tchaikovsky
    10. Saracennys

  8. 1. Big epic
    2. Absolution
    3. Zurich
    4. Yosemite Falls
    5. X, Malcom
    6. Waukegan
    7. Virginia
    8. Ulna
    9. Tchaikovsky
    10. Semite

  9. 1) Birth of a nation
    2) Absolute
    3) Bern
    4) A waterfall
    5) Malcolm X
    6) Khartoum
    7) Jamestown
    8) Femur
    9) Berlioz
    10) Moor

  10. 1. Baby Carriage Falling Down the Stairs
    2. absolute value. Or, the anti-Costello....
    3. Zurich
    4. Yosemite falls?
    5. X, Malcolm
    6. Winnipeg
    7. Virginia
    8. Ulna
    9. Tchaikovsky
    10. Semites

  11. Oops, thought I'd done this one:

    1. Battleship Potemkin
    2. Absolute Value
    3. Zurich
    4. Yosemite Falls
    5. Malcolm X
    6. Winnipeg
    7. Virginia
    8. Ulna
    9. Tchaikovsky
    10. Saracen


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