The Brackets!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Biscuits of Mongolia: #5

The biscuits of Mongolia project is an endeavor of L&TM5K Ambassador to the Post-Soviet Fringe Meaghan. It is republished here by permission.

Country of origin: Turkey.

Packaging languages: Turkish, English (GB/USA/Canada!), Polish, Russian, Czech, Romanian, Spanish, Albanian, French, Italian, Arabic, Macedonian, Portuguese.

Biscuit type: sandwich.

Mouthfeel: velvet, lard, & quinine.

Price: 580 tugrug.


  1. I'm wondering if Ambassador Meaghan is going to be conducting biscuit-tasting workshops in the US anytime soon. I am, of course, especially interested in the analysis of mouthfeel. I would give, like, a hundred thousand tugrugs for the experience.

  2. Maybe we should talk before you start throwing our tugrugs around like a drunken cookie monster?


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