The Brackets!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

After this one, there will be ten more Wednesday Quizzes


The Wednesday Quiz, in its third incarnation, is basically the same old weekly game of knowledge, intuition, inductive reasoning, and willingness to risk public embarrassment in a friendly and moderately supportive environment!!  

Traditionally, it is a closed-book quiz.

It is very possible that answers will come out over the weekend.

1. Roughly 90% of its native speakers live in Latin America, about 5% in Europe, and about 5% in Africa.

2. The weather gets all screwy when he argues with his wife Titania.

3. Given the title Warden of the Royal Mint, which was intended as a sinecure, he leapt into the role with dazzling fervor, crushing widespread counterfeiting and helping to stabilize British currency. Oh, and he formulated the basic laws of physics and calculus.

4. So who is this here painting by?

5. Who are these guys?

6. Before and during the U.S. Civil War, there was ongoing gang violence to determine whether it would be a "slave state" or a "free state."

7. He is said to have met Elijah and Moses on a mountain.

8. It's the autobiography of a Roman Emporer, except written in 1934 by Robert Graves.

9. It was that family that held the thrones of Spain, Austria, and the Holy Roman Empire for all those years.

10. What country is this?


Put your answers in the comments.


  1. 1. Portuguese
    2. Oberon
    3. Newton
    4. Miro
    5. Lampreys
    6. Kansas
    7. Jehovah
    8. I, Claudius
    9. Hapsburg
    10. Gambia

  2. 1. Portugese
    2. Oberon
    3. Newton
    4. Magritte (no clue really)
    5. Lampreys
    6. Kansas
    7. Jehova
    8. I, Claudius
    9. Hapsburgs
    10. Gabon

  3. 1 Portugese
    2 Oberon
    3 Newton
    4 Miro
    5 lampreys
    6 Kansas
    7 um...Jeremiah?
    8 I, Claudius
    9 Hapsburg
    10 um...Guinea-Bissau?

  4. 1. Portugese
    2. Oberon
    3. Isaac Newton
    4. Miro
    5. Lampreys
    6. Kansas
    7. The Big Guy
    8. I, Claudius
    9. Hapsburgs
    10. dunno

  5. 1. Portuguese
    2. Odin
    3. Newton
    4. Miro
    5. Lampreys
    6. Kentucky
    7. Jacob
    8. I, Caesar
    9. Is this a reference to the Hessian Empire? Hesse?
    10. Gambia

  6. 1. Portuguese
    2. Oberon
    3. Newton
    4. It's probably not Matisse, but that's all I've got.
    5. Lampreys
    6. Kansas
    7. I'm thinking it's either Jesus or John the Baptist. But you've been reading Jeremiah, too, lately. hmmm. Oh, wait, maybe you're being sneaky. Maybe it's JHVH. (aka IHVH aka Yod Heh Vau Heh, aka Yahweh, aka Jehovah aka ---- aka Yahooie!) Yeah, let's go with the wrathful deity.
    8. I, Claudivs.
    9. Hapsburgs!
    10. G...G...not the Gambia or Guinea Bissau or Guinea. Guyana's in the wrong continent....oh, hey! It's Gabon! Thanks Gabon River. Good choice. Gabon gets overlooked. Now if you showed a green, yellow and blue horizontal tricolor...

  7. 1. I suspect that it's Portugese, the Lusosphere (thanks for sharing that word with me, by the way) being somewhat biases towards the Brazillians.
    2. The King of the Fairies, Oberon himself.
    3. Can only be Sir Isaac Newton. Well, it could be someone else, but it's not.
    4. Joan Miro! Finally, my years of teaching my self about art in order to get ahead in quizzes pays off! But what's this about there only being 10 left?
    5. I suspect that these are Lampreys.
    6. Kansas or Kentucky...damn...I have no idea, but I suspect Kentucky is closer to the Mason-Dixon line so I'll say that...
    7. My first thought was Joseph, but the second thought seems to indicate that ole Jesus of Nazareth met some folks approximating that description while everyone else was a'sleepin'.
    8. I, Claudius. I never have read or seen it, though. One day...
    9. Score one for the Hapsburgs! Take that Saxe-Coburg.
    10. I think that's Gabon, but for some reason I was going to say Guinea. Weird.

    Hrmm, another good week. I feel like you're playing to my strengths at the moment, Mr 5000. More cricket questions and I'll be unstoppable! Fwahahaa!

  8. 1) Portuguese
    2) Oberon
    3) Newton
    4) Miro
    5) Hagfish
    6) Missouri(?)
    7) Ezekiel?
    8) I, Claudius
    9) Hapsburg
    10) Ivory Coast?

  9. 1. Portuguese
    2. Othello?
    3. N.....
    4. Miro
    5. Lamprey
    6. Kansas
    7. Jesus
    8. I, Claudius
    9. Hapsburg
    10. Guinea

  10. 1. Portuguese
    2. Oberon
    3. Newton
    4. Miro
    5. Lampreys
    6. Kansas
    7. Without opening up too many theological cans of worms, the correct answer here is Jesus of Nazareth. I don't believe Jehovah ever met Elijah on a mountain per se, and certainly not with Moses along.
    8. I, Claudius
    9. The Hapsburgs
    10. Gabon. Sounds like some geographer needs to brush up on his Africa. I don't name names.


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