The Brackets!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

James Stewart and Kim Novak in: "The Wednesday Quiz"


The Wednesday Quiz, in its third incarnation, is basically the same old weekly game of knowledge, intuition, inductive reasoning, and willingness to risk public embarrassment in a friendly and moderately supportive environment!!  With a minor twist that will probably make it rather difficult at first!  

Traditionally, it is a closed-book quiz.

It is very possible that answers will come out over the weekend.

1. This play features a scene on the seacoast of Bohemia from which an unfortunate character is made to "Exit, pursued by a bear."

2. Whoops, I accidentally erased the name of the movie on this poster! What's it called, again?

3. Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian, thought that "cry of praise emitted during the worship of Athena started in North Africa, because it is often employed by African women, who do it extremely well." What's the word for kind of high-pitched trilling that is still customary at various occasions today throughout North Africa and the Middle East, among other locations?

4. Where's this?

5. It's that word for the idea that the whole universe only exists in your own thoughts.

6. He's the hero... no, wait, he's the villain... well, anyway, he's the main character of Crime and Punishment.

7. What are these?

8. Tchaikovsky had three, but only one that gets much attention. Beethoven had five, Mozart had twenty-seven, Brahms had two, but Bach had none at all, having been born too early. What kind of music are we talking about here?

9. He taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004, when he was elected to the Senate.

10. The world's largest supplier of sporting apparel was called "Blue Ribbon Sports" when it was founded in 1964. In the 1970s, it renamed itself after the Greek goddess of victory. It is of course ________.


Put your answers in the comments before being elected to the Senate.  


  1. Oh, dear.
    1. 'A Winter's Tale'?
    2. VERTIGO
    3. ululation
    4. Tip of some place....
    5. self-centered-ness?
    6. Raskolnikov
    7. Quinces
    8. Piano concerti?
    9. Obama
    10. Nike
    Fairly humiliating ....

  2. Hey, I just checked, and there are no answers for LAST week's humiliating quiz.

  3. 1. Winter's Tale
    2. Vertigo
    3. ululation
    4. Trinidad & Tobago
    5. solipsism
    6. Raskolnikov
    7. ??
    8. Concertos
    9. Obama
    10. Nike

  4. 1.Winters Tale
    4.Trinidad and Tobago
    6.Rashnovolkov (I know, mispelled)
    8.Piano Concertos

  5. 1 winters tale
    2 vertigo
    3 ululation
    4 trinidad and tobago
    5 synthesis
    6 rostenkowski... rostropovich... rula/lenska
    7 quince
    8 pastorale
    9 obama
    10 nike

  6. 1. dunno
    2. Vertigo
    3. ullulate
    4. Trinidad and Tobago
    5. solipsism?
    6. dunnov
    7. fruit
    8. pretty pieces of music
    9. Obama
    10. Nike

  7. 1. Winter's Tale. Does Bohemia even have a seacoast?
    2. Vertigo
    3. Ululating
    4. Trinidad and Tobago
    5. solipsism
    6. Raskolnikov
    7. Quinces
    8. Piano sonata
    9. Obama
    10. Nike

  8. 1. Um, Bohemia doesn't have a seacoast! W, eh? Wozzeck?
    2. Vertigo
    3. Ululation
    4. Trinidad and Tobaggan!
    5. Silly silly soliphism
    6. Rasputin! no, wait. um
    7. (kum)quats?
    8. Piano somethings, not sonatas; concerti?
    9. Obama
    10. Nike

  9. 1. Whatever...
    2. Vengeance, Victim something. I don't know, Vision in White? Don't know Hitchcock.
    3. Ululation
    4. Trinidad!
    5. Solipsism
    6. Rostov? (no clue)
    7. Quince
    8. Promenade? (no clue)
    9. Obama
    10. Nike

  10. 1. Winter's Tale. Dr. Schnell, you know full well that Bohemia doesn't have a seacoast; you may not be fully aware, however, how many scholarly careers have revolved around dissecting this point.
    2. Vertigo
    3. Ululation
    4. Trinidad and Tobago
    5. solipsism
    6. Raskolnikov
    7. Quinces
    8. Piano Concerto
    9. Obama
    10. Nike

    Elaine: Look again, you must have overlooked them.


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