The Brackets!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Your Thursday Boring Postcard from Michael5000

MACKAY SCHOOL OF MINES -- a college of the University of Nevada Reno.  At left old Mackay School of Mines building -- museum, offices, labs.  In center Mines Wing of Scrugham Engineering-Mines building -- Nevada Bureau of Mines & Geology/Mining Analytical Laboratory.  At right new School of Mines building housing teaching departments -- Geological Sciences, Chemical Engineering-Metallurgy, Mining Engineering.  In front, old building  famous statue of John Mackay, original benefactor of MSM.

Provenance: Purchased at a postcard dork trade show, April 2011.


  1. That blurb is almost incomprehensible!

  2. I agree with Elaine. I couldn't figure out which buildings they were talking about in the blurb. "In front..."? I see grass.

  3. They must be mining some serious water to be able to grow trees like that in Nevada.

  4. I think my favorite moment is the "building housing teaching" triplet -- now THAT's copywriting! The caption is doubly near-incomprehensible, by the way, in that it is rendered in an incredibly tiny font. I have good eyes at short range, but I had to use a special light to be able to read it.

    @Jennifer: What, am I going on a trip?


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