The Brackets!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Postage

Guatemala, probably 1910s.

Manuel Estrada Cabrera (1857-1924) is regarded as one of the worst tyrants in Guatemalan history. His presidency, which began in 1898, grew progressively more despotic until his overthrow in 1920. -- Encyclopedia of World Biography 

Estrada's most curious legacy was his attempt to foster a Cult of Minerva in Guatemala. He ordered a number of Hellenic style "Temples of Minerva" built in major cities of the country. -- The Wiki.


  1. If you won't comment, I will: CULT OF MINERVA?!??

  2. Nothing wrong with a good ole cult of Minerva. Abut 2000 years out of date, but the man was clearly a traditionalist.

    One wonders if Minervan temples sghould really be Helenic, but hey, at least it's close.

    Man, your blog needs me and my incessant useless commentary. *Makes note to visit more often*


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