Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Wednesday Quiz was founded by George Fox in the 17th Century!


The weekly game of knowledge, intuition, inductive reasoning, and willingness to risk public embarrassment in a friendly and moderately supportive environment!!

Answers come out Fridayish.

1. It's a coming-of-age ceremony in Latin America.

2. He was President of Norway from 1942 to 1945, and probably the only President of Norway whose name has become a word in the English language.

3. What country is this?

4. They're the group that George Fox founded in the 17th Century.

5. It's a category of animals, based on mobility, that includes mostly vertibrate mammals (though not humans) and reptiles -- although there are occasional exceptions, like the preying mantis.

6. What is this a simple example of?

7. They might not have known this when you were in school, but it turns out that these are bright rings of matter being drawn into large black holes in the centers of distant galaxies!

8. Who's this guy?

9. What problematic unit is equivalent, depending on context, to 0.95 liters, 1.10 liters, or 1.14 liters?

10. What is, after feldspar, the second most abundant mineral in the Earth's crust?


The so-called tie-breaker: Try making a coherent sentence with words starting with THIS week's letter!


Put your answers in the comments.  


Elaine said...

Blogspot ate my damn comment!
1. Quinceannero (doubled the N due to not having a clue how to put in a tilde)
2. Quisling
3. Qatar
4. Quakers
5. No clue, so I'll spellcheck for you: vertEbrate, PRAYing mantis
6. quadratic equation
7. Quarks?
8. Quetzalcoatl
9. Quart
10. Quartz

Queenly quails quietly quivered.

Christine M. said...

1. Quinceanera
2. dunno
3. Qatar
4. Quakers
5. dunno
6. dunno
7. dunno
8. Quetzalcoatl
9. quart?
10. quartz

UnwiseOwl said...

I: Quin-thing.
II: The famous Quisling, based on the date. The things you never knew you knew.
III: Must be Qatar.
IV: Quakers
V: Quickones?
VI: Quadratic
VII: Quasars, but then again I was younger than most of you guys when I went through school.
VIII: Quetzecoatl
IX: A quart (US Liquid, US Dry, Imperial)
X: Quartz?


Elizabeth said...

1. Quincanero (spelling may be off, and I'm pretty sure there's a little squiggle over the n)
2. Quisling
3. Qatar, though I thought it faced the other way, so maybe not
4. Quakers
5. Quadrupeds
6. Quadratic equation
7. Quasars
8. Queztalcoatl
9. Quart
10. Quartz

Queasy, Quentin quickly quartered quince-quinoa-quail quiche quenelles, querulously querying Queenie's quavering quintuplets.

gS49 said...

Forgive my speling.

1. Quincenciera
2. Quisling
3. Qatar
4. Quakers (Society of Friends, dammit!)
5. Quadrapeds
6. Quadratic equation
7. Quasars (??)
8. Quetselcoatl
9. Quart
10. Quartz


Qam qudilous, qam qalameti; qualdo qamataloas qu qamalti.
(You didn't say it had to be in Eglish. Or any real language, for that matter.)

mrs.5000 said...

1 quinceanero
2 Quisling
3 Qatera
4 Quakers
5 quadrupeds
6 quadratic equation
7 quasars
8 Quetzacoatl
9 quart
10 quartz

"Quick! Quit quaking! Queue quickly, quibbling quantities!" querulously quacked quality quip Quaker Quantum Quatloo, quixotically quashing quailing quagmired Queensland quadrupeds quaffing Qataran qat.

Anonymous said...

1. Quabang
2. Quisling
3. Qatar
4. Quakers
5. Quadripeds
6. Quadratic Equation
7. Quasars
8. Quetzacatl
9. Quart
10 Quartz

Query: questing quintuplet quarterbacks queerly quit quiz?

dhkendall said...

1. quinceniera
2. Vikund Quisling
3. Qatar
4. The Society of Friends, but you're probably looking for "Quakers" ;)
5. quadripeds
6. Something which I did badly in in school. I can assure you this is a correct answer.
7. quasars
8. Quezoctacl
9. quart
10. quartz

BONUS: Queer Quisling quelches Quakers.

DrSchnell said...

2. Quisling!
3. Qatar
4. Quakers
5. ?
6. 'quation (OK, a stretch....)
7. quasars
8. Quoetzocoatl (sP?)
9. quart
10. Quartz

Haven't been able to come up with anything worth reading, so instead I offer you a line from Dr. Seuss's ABC book "The Quick Queen of Quincy and her Quacking Quackeroo."

Ben said...

1. Quinceanero(a)
2. No idea
3. Qatar
4. Quakers
5. Quadrupeds
6. Quadradic Equation
7. Quasars
8. Quexacotl
9. Quart
10. Quartz

Quentin quickly quit quaffing quince quaaludes*.

* A quaalude is the name of a cocktail.

Mm mud said...

1. Quarenta Fiesta (I'm finally 40 fest?)
2. Quisinger
3. Qatar
4. Quakers?
5. Quarrelers (And humans ain't quarrelers)
6. Quadratic equation (I find it interesting that it shows solving for x whereas y is the variable that is usually solved for)
8. Quasimoto?
9. Quart
10. Quartz

Considering I've so many right answers, i'll go for the tie breaker with- Quasi Qi Quest

Eavan said...

1. Quincenera (pls excuse lack of diacritic)
2. Quisling
3. Qatar
4. Quakers, eaten with relish by Scots and horses
5. Quadrupeds
6. Quadratic equation
7. Quasars? I don't actually know what those are, but they start with the right letter!
8. Q...coatl. Yeah. That one.
9. A quart? I've been cooking for ten years and I'm still confused by fluid measures. Maybe they are truly confusing and I'm not just a ditz!
10. Quartz

Quentin quietly quits queues.
Qubilah questions Quentin's Quranic qualities.
Quisling Quakers quit Qatar.
Qubilah questions Quakers

Aviatrix said...

1. Quinzante - hope it's not held at Quiznos
2. Quisling - didn't know he was Norwegian
3. Aha, Doha gives me Qatar, and Q is the magic letter that makes everything else guessable.
4. Quakers
5. quadrupeds - ooh I didn't think I was going to know it.
6. quadratic function
7. quasars
8. Quetzalcoatl - the feathers give it away, well that and the Q.
9. Gotta be the quart. I didn't realize quarts were as stupid as ozzes. I really hate ounces.
10. quartz

Questionable quality quail quizzed Quartermaster Quentin.

Eavan said...

Oooh I hate ounces too!

Michael5000 said...

I too am anti-ounce.

1. Quinceañera
2. Quisling
3. Qatar
4. Quakers
5. Quadrupeds
6. Quadratic Equation
7. Quasars
8. Quetzlcoatl
9. Quart
10. Quartz

And I was most impressed with the various sentence efforts...

Aviatrix said...

Next time I am trying to figure out what sized package to get to simulate ounces in some recipe it will alleviate my frustration to recall that there is some anti-ounce solidarity among those whose opinions are worthwhile.

Liberia, Myanmar and you guys should get together a plan to abandon the ounce forever. They leak out, you see, and contaminate my grams and millilitres.