The Brackets!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Canadians are at the Gates!

I was horrified this afternoon to find on Google Maps that a spurious geopolitical claim has been made on the Banfield Freeway, I-84 on the beautiful East Side here in the City of Roses.

That's right: The precious artery that connects our fair but isolated city to the rest of the nation has been claimed by a province of our massive northern neighbor, Canada.

Now sure, there are some of you who will laugh this off, calling it a "glitch" or a "software error" or perhaps even a "prank by a disgruntled employee." YOU'RE LIVING IN A DREAMWORLD!!!  We're talking about GOOGLE here!  They don't make mistakes!  They don't have disgruntled employees!  It's well known!!!

To the ramparts!


  1. Hope your survive the annexation, eh?

  2. You think your city's nice now -- wait til the Canadians take over! Super duper niceness everywhere!

  3. Now you know why I'm finishing my degree in French. Bienvenue à nos nouveaux maîtres canadiens!

  4. Oh, they've claimed a whole lot more than just your Banfield Freeway. Lots more including pretty pix!

  5. E: snort

    Dug: Excellent coverage! The crisis is apparently far more widespread than we knew!

    See y'all at the barricades.

  6. I hear they're trying to steal back the Stanley Cup too! I hope they succeed. It certainly doesn't belong in Boston.

  7. Michael, dearest,
    I think you only have barricades there in Portland. City ordinances forbid ramparts, I'm pretty sure.

  8. I knew that progressive city planning would bite us in the end.


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