The Brackets!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Cultural Change and American Advertising

Beauty Bonded Formica asks:

from The American Home, May 1950.


  1. Yeah, those damn youngun's get pretty messy and clumsy with their alcohol. What was she trying to make,anyhow? A Blackberry Cassis and vodka toddie?

  2. I was spanked with a plastic hairbrush, and the experience was instrumental in my necessary-for-maturation discovery that grown-ups don't have a clue what they are doing. Being spanked is mind-focusing enough that one pays close attention and it soon became clear that there was no rational connection between whether I was spanked and how bad I had been. Freed of the belief that you had to know exactly what you were doing in order to be a real grown up, I matured.

    AND we had Formica countertops. Orange ones.

  3. You had formica and you still got spanked? What were you using, india ink?

  4. This makes me so happy I wasn't born in the 1950s! Yowza!

  5. Watch it, Jenners! SOME of us were born in the Forties...and it was no picnic! My mother used flexible branches from the privet hedge but switched (get it?) to a wide leather belt--yep, always seeking to improve. Is this ad where she got her ideas?

    Army quarters didn't have no stinkin' Formica!

  6. Hey! I wasn't born in the 1950s either. Once those Formica countertops had been installed in a house, they lasted forever. There will be kids in the 2040s growing up in homes with granite countertops, while all their friends' homes have depleted uranium or technicium alloy or whatever is in showhomes that decade.

  7. Depleted Uranium countertops! An idea whose time has come!


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