The Brackets!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Bear Chronicles

Playing Scrabble with Oberon
2002 or thereabouts


  1. I kind of have to cheer for the Little Guy...but it's so cute that they are playing Scrabble when I'm pretty sure that they only say two words (Raaaarh! and Uuuunfh!)

    A little bit I think my Sacred Cow could whip these two Ursines with one hoof tied behind her tail.....

  2. Aww! One of my favorites so far, and you've had some great ones.

    I particularly like the bag of treats.

  3. ah, i do so love the bear chronicles!

  4. Does it say something like "Black Bear Bakery" though? (I was trying to make out the words on it.)

  5. The now-defunct Black Bear Bakery made some wicked good potato bread.

  6. So there is another one? And they play Scrabble!? This bear has a wonderful life.

  7. Wait. These bears are CHEATING. One of them, maybe both, has eight tiles in his or her array. Really!

  8. Optical illusion. They're honest bears.


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