Wright Brothers National Memorial
Kill Devil Hills, near Kitty Hawk, N.C.
The life history and accomplishments of Wilber and Orville Wright are portrayed through exhibits in this attractive visitor center. A full-scale reproduction of their 1903 powered machine is displayed in the room under the dome.
Provenance: Purchased from Alberta Street "Last Thursday" vendor, July 2010.
Provenance: Purchased from Alberta Street "Last Thursday" vendor, July 2010.
Yes, everyone in Ohio (and especially Dayton) knows that North Carolina is heinously attempting to CASH IN on the Wright brothers' trip to the beach there.....
Ahhhk! This one meets my criteria for maximum boringness through its combination of a really dull picture (most of it is sky, and of the rest a startling proportion is fence, and what looks like a door concealing a dumpster) when they could commemorate the same location with something amazing. This is Freaking Kill Devil Hills! They could have a poorly-lit, badly-framed photo of the boringest part of the Wright Flyer and it would be less boring than this.
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