The Brackets!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Movable Mrs.5000

Those of you who for whatever reason were not attending the international conference of the Movable Book Society here in the City of Roses last week may not even be aware that the L&TM5K's favorite Portland gallery, 23Sandy, has just opened "An International Exhibition of Movable Artist's Books."

Mrs.5000, who as I have often mentioned before on these pages is awesome, had two pieces juried into the show.

The New Museum of Nature and Industry

The Small Museum of Nature and Industry

The Small Museum won a juror's award!  And the New Museum sold!

Which means that your only chance to see it may be while the Movable Books show is still up!  And, to be sure, there is plenty of good stuff there by people other than Mrs.5000, too.  A full catalog is available on the website.

The Artist's Reception is this Friday, October 1!  I can not make any promises, but it is usually the case that 23Sandy has good cookies at their receptions.  Maybe I'll see you there!


  1. Mrs5000 is full of awesomeness!

  2. Woohoo! Congratulations!

    And she got a mention at Ignite Portland in Laura's talk.

    Double Congratulations!

  3. So, when's this exhibition travelling to Adelaide?
    They both look simply amazing, I want to play with them myself.

  4. These are just so cool!!!! I totally admire Mrs. 5000!!! Congrats on your success! It is well deserved.

  5. Would Mrs. 5000 like a really cool birds' nest?
    It is my highest form of compliment.

  6. Wow, thanks, all!

    @Nichim: Your fabulous trove of Florida shells continues to inspire and delight. They are little sculptures incarnate.

    @Elaine: It is hard for me to say no to that sort of offer, as you would know if you'd ever been in our basement. If it is a very small bird's nest, I am more likely to figure out a way to use it. Something even as big as a robin's nest would be challenging, and an eagle's--well, of course you wouldn't be sending me an eagle's nest. I feel quite complimented already, that you should even think of it.

  7. I suspect you work at hummer-nest scale, but this is a finch's nest. Annually I sacrifice my porch hanging baskets in the cause of Future Finches, but this year I rebelled at the third nest, and pulled it out of the poor ole fern. The finches had hit a jackpot of sorts, and this one is made of dried creeper (tiny yellow flowers) and lined with some kind of white fur?fiber? I can e-mail a picture with a ruler for scale, and you can decide. If an eagle's nest appeals, I can send a pile of big sticks; there is not much art in an aerie, alas.

  8. Sounds lovely--and yes, a photo with a sense of scale would be helpful. You can e-mail me at --Thanks!

    I think we already have enough piles of sticks in the backyard for an eagle's nest or two, if I were so inclined. I kind of got that out of my system with the rebar sculpture.

  9. Email on the way! Let me know if you do not receive.

  10. wow! those are faaanTAStic!


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