The Brackets!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Now We Are 42

It was recently my birthday.

Yes. Thank you. I turned 42!

We celebrated with a trip down to BigBrother5000's place in beautiful Ashland, Oregon. Ashland is a fabulous little town for the passer-through, and home to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, where we watched 1 Henry IV (pretty good!) and something called Hamlet (pretty freaking awesome!). (As long as I'm plugging, we also bought a book at Bloomsbury Books and had dinner at SeƱor Sam's, both fine experiences.)

We also geohashed three graticules at 42 degrees north latitude
This was all especially jolly since the first two of these had never been geohashed before, so when geohashing goes mainstream we'll be looked to as the regional pioneers. (Someone -- I will not say who -- beat us to Grants Pass)

The birthday festivities conclude tomorrow with a running of 42nd Avenue -- those fragments of it that exist, anyway -- within my running "box." If you are in the City of Roses and wish to line the sidewalks to cheer me on, that would be fine. I'll be coming through sometime between 6 p.m. and the end of time. Or, you can line the spiritual sidewalks too, if you'd rather. [[Update: how caddish of me not to mention that this idea was ripped off directly from L&TM5K reader gl., who recently rode the entire length of a certain street here on the beautiful East Side to celebrate a certain birthday.]]


  1. Consider your spiritual sidewalks lined, man.

    Those scumbags, getting to graticules before other people, we don't like those sort of people around here.

  2. Wy such a man of culture, athletic prowess, and geogrphically inclined geekdom we have never seen ere ever.

    I still have great expetations of Great Expectations.

  3. Senior Sam's has an unfortunate geriatric ring to it, even if I can't find my tilde for Senor.

    Margaret RU making fun of M5K's spelling? Water pistols at 42 paces!

  4. I am waving a wee little flag, here on the sidelines.
    Is there a 63rd Street there?

  5. Yay Winnie the Pooh references! Happy birthday.

  6. TWO ways to celebrate 42! it's a tradition that keeps on giving. thanks for the acknowledgment!

  7. Well Happy Happy Birthday!! I'm 42 too but will soon be turning a year older. (sob.) I, however, will not be running anywhere.

  8. Elaine: Was in reference to my spelling errr.

  9. That Senior/Senor (how DO you get that tilde in there?) thing bypassed me completely, as I've never been in Oregon, let alone Portland. SENIOR anything works for me.

    Conway has First through Sixth Streets only. You could run up Fourth and down Second, but it's a bad part of town plus no sidewalks. Will have flag ready in case you decide to fly in.


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