The Brackets!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

It's Almost Time for a Lack of College Football!

It's possible you'll remember that, back in March, I imposed a four-game suspension on the Oregon Ducks football team for off-field shenanigans. And I'm not going to claim that my action alone had any significant sway over the situation, but it's more than a little interesting that Athletic Director Mike Belotti resigned the very next day after the University received my message. Again, I'm not claiming that my sanctions were the only factor in his decision.

Anyway, August is here, so the provisions of the sanctions now go into effect. To refresh your memory:
->The Suspension will cover the first four games of the 2010 Season, including three pre-season games (vs. New Mexico, Tennessee, and Portland State*) and the September 25 Pac-10 opener against Arizona State.

->While the program is under suspension, I will not attend, watch a telecast of, listen to a radio broadcast of, or read media accounts of their four games. I will, furthermore, not care whether the Ducks win or lose.

->I will not wear any of my University of Oregon licenced sportswear, nor my green and yellow tie-dye t-shirt, from August 1 until October 1, the end of the suspension period.

->During the suspension period, I will abstain from discussing Ducks football with friends, acquaintances, and coworkers, explaining if pressed that this is a condition of the suspension of fandom.
I'll begin the day Monday by removing the University of Oregon banner from my workspace back at the office. And from then to October 1st, my official take on the Pac-however-many-teams-we've-got-now will be:

Go Beavers!

Just wanted to keep you in the loop.

* It is possible I might check in on this one in my capacity as a mild Portland State fan.


  1. I'm glad you're not trying to go cold turkey on college football during the suspension.

  2. No,no. I think you have to be the iron hand in the iron glove. Once they find out they can get around you, they're always looking for a loophole. Ask any old teacher!


  3. I've been boycotting the Ducks for years ... even during my tenure there ... due to lack of interest.

  4. I was so worried about this I forgot to lose sleep.


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