The Brackets!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Your Thursday Boring Postcard from Michael5000

Lenoir City, Tennessee

One of the dams built by the T.V.A. to provide flood control, cheap power and recreational facilities.

Provenance: Unsure.


  1. Some what off topic but kind of on topic, I have always found it very interesting that the one American President we refer to by his initials on a regular basis FDR, was reponsible for what is refered to as Alphabet Soup. Just a thought there.

  2. What about JFK? (so far as referring w/ initials?)

    I've driven *past* Lenoir City quite a few times; didn't realize it had this big tourist draw... yawn.

  3. "FDR" helps because it clarifies that we're not talking about Teddy. "JFK" probably happened because of the airport -- "Are you flying into Newark, LaGuardia, or John Fitzgerald Kennedy International" doesn't flow trippingly off the tongue. This is, of course, rank speculation.

  4. No, no, M5000. JFK happened because the papers were all gaga over 'Jack and Jackie.' JFK reproved the press and suggested that the appropriate forms for referring to the POTUS would be 'Kennedy' or 'JFK.' I remember it well. I was 13.

  5. This may be the most boring one yet. I mean ... why focus on the subject when you can put in so much sky instead????


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