The Brackets!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Song of the American Road, pt. 6


Having a fine time here. Haven't had a rainy day since we left last Wednesday. Leaving for New York Tonight. - Elizabeth & Arthur

3rd Avenue, 10th & 11th Streets
Minneapolis, MINN 55404
The upper Mid-West's largest, finest, most complete, 100% central air-conditioned luxury hotel.

Arrived in Mples at 5 p.m. the flight was smooth and good food stayed here overnite and a day. Am at my brothers now. don't work too hard. Hi to all. Love Edie.

Statue of Liberty
Liberty Island, New York

Hi -- Had a couple hours to kill so I came over to the Statue and climbed to the crown, 22 storeys. Beautiful weather this labor day Sunday. Crowds. Tired. This is my new "Deltograph" pen $3.50. Riding to Balto. Tuesday with Walt Ahrens who will help clean up house. Earned $85 helping Lange's. no school money yet. They went to Md. yesterday in their new '63 Corvette (red). Yours, Gary.

First Floor Lounge
A modern Retirement Home of the Wesley Gardens Group.
Des Moines, Washington

(If you are in or going thru Chehelis, sure stop at Florence's) Fri A.M. -- Florence is having the Rogus's and Lunds "get together picnic" at Borst Park, Centralia, Sun July 15th. She phoned me last night. Just a line telling you I want to be here that day -- but we will be back that night -- Tom & family are here; came Wed -- will stay a wk -- Laura


  1. I think the "First Floor Lounge" shot might be one of the finest I've seen on this blog, but I have a soft spot for the copywriter who wrote a whole paragraph about the Leamington Hotel. I mean, for Pete's sake! They're advertising muzak! (Or do I mean they're advertising muzak?)

  2. #1. A 1-cent stamp and a 1929 post mark. The back is more interesting than the front.

    #2. "most complete" hotel? What, were all the other ones still under construction?

    #3. Actually kind of interesting, since I think I heard the public is no longer allowed to climb to the crown.

    #4. Yeah, that one's pretty darn boring.


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