For the most part, the charms of the city were lost on us, but I did make an excited hard left turn when I happened to spot a fenced-off area of a few square blocks along a road a few miles from the city center.

This turned out to be the "sign boneyard," a dumping ground for old neon and electric signs.
Mrs.5000 & I went right to work!
And spent a happy half-hour or more taking photos of the splendid decay.

Ooh, very cool! I can't believe you and Mrs5000 have kept this under your hats for so long. You've got some good stuff here!
Just think what further gems you could have achieved if you weren't anti-trespassing, though! ...not that I'm trying to say that it would have been a good idea. I would never encourage anybody, implicitly or explicitly, to trespass.
I love the skull face next to the SIN sign. I bet some rock band could use that on an upcoming tour!
And you didn't bring home a sign or two? The ducky would've been very nice in your front yard!
OK ... totally see the appeal of this place ... but to just drive on through Vegas???????!!! That I don't get.
Yeah, what Jennifer said.
You just obeyed the signs? I mean, this was a Coffee Table Book! For the Ages!
What, you lost the negatives?
the Yellow Fang is my favorite.
And you two are my heroes.
Oh my, I have a new ambition in life. Sign Graveyard Operator.
Now there's a calling that I could get behind.
Jennifer: It was rather... conspicuous. Not an easy trespass.
Ben: We'd let the WFSO use it for free, for a sin-themed concert.
Fingers: I've long been looking for a piece of statuary for the BACK yard. But the ducky is a little oversized for the spot.
Jenners: I rejoice in your enjoyment of Las Vegas.
Elaine: "Negatives"?
Owl: I hear ya. But I don't think there's much money in it.
I'll put up a second set next week, y'all. Glad you enjoy 'em!
I'm an Australian. Given our well-documented love affair with all things big and plastic, I think there's a definite market for this stuff...Also, it's a veritable goldmine of stuff for arting.
I still think of photos as having negatives. Tsk.
My 'new' camera uses floppy disks, and I just love that. None of this having to learn some kind of photo shop thingie.
Oh YEAH---
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