The Wednesday Quiz -- Season II -- Quiz 7
Professional Sports Teams
The Wednesday Quiz is a "closed-book" test of knowledge and intuition; please do not look up answers, ask others for help, or answer as a team.
Questions about the rules and the ~Fabulous Prizes~ are answered here.
What City is Home to These Professional Sports Teams?
This week's Quiz is, perhaps, yet another "geography quiz in disguise." Ten points for every correct answer.
What City is Home to These Professional Sports Teams?
Note: Each question has only a single answer -- in other words, the Argonauts, Blue Jays, and Raptors all hail from the same city.
1. Argonauts/Blue Jays/RaptorsSubmit your answers in the comments!
2. Arsenal/Chelsea/Saracens/Wasps
3. Blues/Cardinals/Rams
4. Bobcats/Panthers
5. Bruins/Celtics/Patriots/Revolution
6. Braves/Falcons/Hawks/Thrashers
7. Celtic/Rangers/Warriors
8. Flames/Stampeders
9. Orioles/ Ravens
10. Timberwolves/Twins/Vikings/Wild
1. Toronto
2. Charleston
3. St. Louis
4. Cincinnati
5. Boston
6. Atlanta
7. Raleigh
8. Calgary
9. Baltimore
10. Minneapolis (should I include the twin city of St. Paul?)
This was 60% simple and 40% cruel. I wanted to put in cities like Ankara, Sa'na, and Fredonia.
1. Toronto
2. London
3. St. Louis
4. Charlotte
5. Boston
6. Atlanta
7. Glasgow (I'm thinking it's either that or Dublin - tricky one; I know that's not the Texas Rangers)
8. Calgary
9. Baltimore
10. Minneapolis (interesting how all the Minneapolis teams use Minnesota instead of the city name - must be the Twin cities thing, I assume none are actually physically in St. Paul)
1. Toronto
2. London
3. St. Louis
4. Charleston, SC
5. Boston
6. Atlanta
7. Glasgow
8. Calgary
9. Baltimore
10. Minnesota (Twin Cities)
1. Toronto
2. London
3. St. Louis
4. Charlotte
5. Boston
6. Atlanta
7. Glasgow
8. Calgary
9. Baltimore
10. Minneapolis
toronto // london // st louis, mo // charlotte, nc // boston // atlanta // dublin - some irish city // calgary // baltimore, md // minneapolis, minn
1. Toronto
2. London
3. St. Louis
4. Charlotte
5. Boston
6. Atlanta
7. Glasgow
8. Calgary
9. Baltimore
10. Minneapolis
If I get even one of these right, it will be a miracle.
1. Toronto
2. Leeds
3. St. Louis
4. Miami
5. Boston
6. Atlanta
7. Glasgow
8. Calgary
9. Baltimore
10. Portland
1. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2. London, England, UK?
3. St. Louis, Missouri, USA
4. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
5. Boston, Massachusetts, USA
6. Atlanta, Georgia, USA
7. Somewhere foreign?: Dublin, Ireland, UK?
8. Jasper, Alberta, Canada?
9. Baltimore, Maryland, USA
10. Twin Cities of Minneapolis & St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Wow. With three per city I hope I can get this.
1. Toronto - I won tickets to an Argos Grey Cup game once.
2. London - Darn, overseas teams. I didn't see that coming.
3. St. Louis
4. Miami - somewhere in Florida
5. Boston - yay for NHL original 6
6. Atlanta - they have Braves, anyway
7. New York - I know they have Rangers
8. Calgary - a grateful gimme
9. Kansas City - I know the Orioles are an old-time baseball team, but darned if I know where they're from.
10. Minneapolis - between the Twins (twin cities) and the Vikings (heavy Norwegian immigration) this has to be right.
1. Toronto
2. London
3. St. Louis
4. Charlotte
5. Boston
6. Atlanta
7. Glasgow
8. Calgary
9. Baltimore
10. Minneapolis
Luckily you had more than one team name listed - I "know" about 1/2 of the team names/towns - so I only truely guessed on one... yay me.
1. Toronto
2. London
3. St. Louis
4. Charlotte?
5. Boston
6. Atlanta
7. Glasgow
8. Calgary
9. Baltimore
10. Minneapolis
1. Toronto
2. London
3. St. Louis
4. Charlotte
5. Boston
6. Atlanta
7. Glasgow, you tricky bastard.
8. Calgary
9. Baltimore
10. Minneapolis - Favre will be the first active grandpa in the league if he plays this year. I hope he breaks his hip.
1. Toronto
2. Yikes! San Diego? (WILD guess)
3. St. Louis
4. Somewhere in the Carolinas--Charlotte?
5. Boston
6. Atlanta
7. Oakland
8. Oklahoma City (another wild guess)
9. Baltimore
10. Minneapolis (since your question uses the singular "City", I'm NOT going to guess Minneapolis-St. Paul)
I call Nichim out for showing off!
(I cannot, CAN NOT, believe how many of you know these sports teams! It BLOWS my MIND!)
but I bet you don't have a pair of nesting red-headed woodpeckers in your yard. (Exit, head hung low)
@Elaine: Well YOU knew most of them...
Oh dear...
What's the bet I can get most of the stuff off of North America...
1. I think the Blue Jays are from Toronto...I couldn't tell you what sport they play, though....
2. Arsenal and Chelsea, assuming they're the ones I'm thinking of, come from London.
3. I'm going to assume that this isn't Carlton, ugh... Cincinatti?
4. Washington DC?
5. Boston (trying to mix me up with those OTHER celtics)
6. Atlanta.
7. Glasgow (oh sweet....two points for the price of one).
8. Madrid.
9. Baltimore?
10. Minesota?
Perhaps playing too many sports computer games as a child has same me from utter embarrassment, here...
Sports teams are things normal people know, people who have no idea what year Sri Lanka changed its name or what a lanthanide is. It's almost a geek obligation for us not to know, except that it's embarrassing not to have just absorbed the stuff from normal culture. I really should have got Baltimore. Is there a prize for wackiest wrong answer?
If so...I might have a chance with Madrid... Who cares about all these crazy sports in the middle of AFL season anyway?
Oh, no, where are all my wrong answers from yesterday?!!
1 I had some dumb answer for this--Charlotte, I think
2 London
3 St. Louis
4 St. Petersburg. Yeah, well.
5 Boston!
6 Atlanta!
7 Dublin
8 Cheyenne
9 Baltimore
10 Minneapolis
Unwise Owl might win for the 'interesting' spelling of The Queen City at #3.
I should have thought to put in outrageous bad guesses on the ones I didn't know, darn it. Maybe next time. Karakorum, Nairobi, Timbuktu... so many possibilities.
It's not interesting, I'm afraid, it's just bad. :(
Unwise, it was ever thus. Except for poor ole Albuquerque, I thnk Cincinnati gets more mangled spelling than any place in the US of A.
Don't you just wish you have good sensible Australian town names like Jimcumbilly, Ozenkadnook, Warrnambool and Maningyingkarrira?
Hey, M5000, where are the answers? Dying of suspense, here. Now I'm hoping for Jimcumbilly to be one of the cities with sports teams!
1 / Toronto
2 / London
3 / St. Louis
4 / Charlotte
5 / Boston
6 / Atlanta
7 / Glasgow
8 / Calgary
9 / Baltimore
10 / Minneapolis
People are continuing to submit answers!
(KS should be given a plenary indulgence)
Answers! Answers! (metal cups striking the bars of our cells)
Zzzzz... Eh? What? What are you SHOUTING about?!?
Oh, right, the Quiz. Heh heh heh...
Where are my notes?
1. Toronto
2. London
3. St. Louis
4. Charlotte
5. Boston
6. Atlanta
7. Glasgow
8. Calgary
9. Baltimore
10. Minneapolis
With three weeks left in Season II, Unwise Owl has grabbed unqualified first place with 687, DrSchnell sits in second with 671, and Mrs.5000 is in third with 667. La gringissima and Kadonkadonk are back in business, both in the 640s with room to move.
The top ten is rounded out with Carto, d, Elaine, Elizabeth, and nichim. Aviatrix, Ben, Calico, and Phineas could still break into the elite top ten; behind them, people are pretty much warming up in the bullpen for Season 3.
Oh, I should mention that this week's honors are split between DrSchnell, la gringa, Carto, the Calico Cat, Kadonk, Phineas, PB, and KarmaSartre, all of whom batted the puck straight through the uprights, nothing but net.
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