The Wednesday Quiz -- Season II -- Quiz 3
Judge a Book by its Cover, Again
The Wednesday Quiz is a "closed-book" test of knowledge and intuition; please do not look up answers, ask others for help, or answer as a team.
Questions about the rules and the ~Fabulous Prizes~ are answered here.
This week's Quiz is a visual fill-in-the-blanks game. For each image,
What's the title of the book?
What's the title of the book?
1. Roots, Alex Haley
2. Johnathan Livingstone Seagull
3. The Handmaid's Tale, M. Atwood
4. Beloved, Toni Morrison (shudder)
5. Rushdie's book.....oh, shoot...
6. Angela's Ashes, McCourt
7. Cold Mountain
8. No idea
9. Pretty Little Horses...or was it just Pretty Horses?
10. Atonement
11. no clue
12. The story of Pi
13. ??
14. Eve
I was going along pretty well there until I ground to an ignominious halt....
I saw Angela's Ashes & one of those vampire books that has been turned into a movie...
1. Roots
2. Jonathan Livingston Seagull
3. The Handmaid's Tale
4. Bubbles the Invisible Girl
5. The Satanic Verses
6. Angela's Ashes
7. A Foggy View in the Smokies
8. Look Up!
9. All the King's Horses
10. Yet Another Aristocrat Bothered by Something
11. The Incredible Lack of Gravity in the Dog Pound
12. Monkey and Tiger's Big Day
13. The Big Shoes
14. Twilight
You'd think that a librarian would kick ass in this category... but I work in the Magazine Room!
1. Roots/Haley
2. Jonathan Livingston Seagull
3. The Handmaid's Tale/Atwood
4. Beloved/Toni Morrison
5. The Satanic Verses/Rushdie
6. Angela's Ashes/McCourt
7. Cold Mountain
8. dunno
9. All the Pretty Horses/Cormac McCarthy
10. Atonement/McEwan
11. The Incredible Upside-Down Poodle/Haddon
12. Life of Pi
13. The Time-Traveler's Wife/Niffennegger
14. Twilight/Meyer
i think i can mostly do this one.
1 roots / haley
2 jonathan livingston seagull / bach
3 the only one i know by her is the handmaid's tale, so i'll say that / atwood
4 beloved / morrison
5 the satanic verses / rushdie
6 angela's ashes / mccourt
7 cold mountain
8 no idea
9 all the pretty horses / mccarthy
10 atonement (i think) / mcewan
11 the curious incident of the dog in the night time / i can't remember his last name
12 life of pi (worst book ever)
13 time traveler's wife / heffenegger (or something like that)
14 no idea
1. Roots
2. Johnathan Livingston Seagull
3. The Handmaid's Tale
4. Beloved
5. The Satanic Verses
6. Corelli's Mandolin
7. The Blue Ridge Mountain Scenic Highway
8. Infinite Jest
9. All the Pretty Horses
10. Mansefield
11. The Plight of Dogs in China
12. The Life of Pi
13. The Empty Loafers
14. Twilight
I absolutely agree with d about Life of Pi. I read it with an ESL reading class over the course of a term. Neither the teacher nor I had read it before. Horrible, horrible, yikes.
1. Roots, Alex Haley
2. Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Richard Bach
3. Margaret Atwood, "The Handmaid's Tale"
4. Beloved, by Toni Morrison
5. The Satanic Verses, by Salman Rushdie
6. Angela's Ashes, Frank McCourt
7. Cold Mountain, Charles Frazier
8. Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace (RIP)
9. All the Pretty Horses, Cormac McCarthy
10. Ian McEwan -- um.... how 'bout "Atonement"
11. The Strange Case of the Dog in Nighttime (? or some such)
12. Tigers Who Sail and the Men Who Love Them
13. The Time Traveller's Wife by.....?
14. One of those damned sparkly vampire books. How about "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer
1 Roots, Alex Haley. I know, we don't have to include the authors, but I'm so relieved to be on familiar ground after last week's debacle I can't help myself.
2 Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Which I remember reading in Reader's Digest Magazine at our kitchen table.
3 The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood
4 Beloved, Toni Morrison
5 The Satanic Verses, Salman Rushdie
6 Angela's Ashes, Frank McCourt
7 Cold Mountain. What, is there a subtitle also? Well, I don't remember it, maybe COLD was just really really big. It would have been, like, A Story of the Civil War, or something.
8 Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace
9 All the Pretty Horses, Cormac McCarthy
10 Ah, that must be the one I listened to--Atonement. By Ian McEwan, if not Ian McClellan, since I'm always getting their names mixed up.
11 OK, let's see if I remember this correctly...The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, and I don't remember Mark Whoziwhat. But nice reference to Question 10 there at the bottom.
12 The Life of Pi (curious incident of the tiger in the maritime)
13 The Time Traveler's Wife, Audrey Nieffenegger.
14 OK, I know this is the much-devoured Twilight series, but an individual title? blehh. I'll have to go with Twilight. Stephanie Myers.
1. Roots, Alex Haley
2. Jonathan Livingstone Seagull
3. Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale
4. Beloved, Toni Morrison
5. The Satanic Verses, Salman Rushdie
6. Angela's Ashes, McCord
7. Cold Mountain?
8. No idea.
9. All the Pretty Horses, McCarthy
10. Banks? no idea on the title
11. The Dead Poodle of Shame in the Afternoon Sun
12. Life of Pi
13. No clue.
14. Twilight, Meyer
Oh man... late to the quiz. =(
1 Roots, Alex Haley
2 Johnathon Livingston Seagull
3 Atwood - the handmaidens tale
4 Beloved, Toni Morrison
5 Satanic Verses - Salman Rushdi
6 Angela's Ashes - Frank McCourt (most depressing book EVAR!)
7 Snow Falling on Cedars?
8 I gots nothin'
9 All the Pretty Horses
11 the curious incident of the dog in the night time, mark haddon (awesomest protagonist EVAR)
12 - Life of Pi - Yan Martel
13 The Time Traveler's Wife... Audrey Schmaltzy
14 Twilight... gah, which one?
1. No idea. Alex Delaware?
2. Pass
3. Atwood, Handmaids Tale
4. Beloved, Toni Morrison
5. What the hell is that?
6. Angela's Ashes/ Frank McCourt
7. Cold Mountain
8. Infinite Jest/ David Foster Wallace
9. All the Pretty horses/Cormac McCarthy
10. That's gotta be Atonement/Ian McEwan
11. The Curious incident of the dog in the night (time?)/Haddon
12. Life of Pi
13. The Time Travelers Wife/Niffenegger - SO LAME.
14. Twilight/Meyer - you could have made this more difficult by at least putting the Breaking Dawn cover on here or something. Geez.
Wow. That was (hopefully) WAY better than I thought I was going to do!!
We just need the titles, right?
1. Roots
2. Jonathan Livingston Seagull (loved the Neil Diamond soundtrack to the movie as a kid, I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit)
3. the Wall to Keep Out People with Silly Hats
4. Beloved
5. The Satanic Verses
6. Schindler's List
7. I don't know what the title is, but the cover looks like one of the default Windows XP desktop backgrounds
8. Cloudy Sky
9. King's Horses (apparently this one is so obvious that we don't get ANY hint of who the author is)
10. Urns of Europe
11. The Weightlessness of Dogs in Space
12. Calvin and Hobbes Sail the Seven Seas
13. The Man Who Wouldn't Wear Shoes
14. Have an Apple
1. Roots
2. Jonathon Livingston Seagull
3. The Handmaids Tale
4. Beloved
5. The Satanic Verses
6. Angela's Ashes
7. Cold Mountain
9. All the Pretty Horses
10. Atonement
11. The Curious Case of the Dog in the Night
12. Pi
13. The Time Travelers Wife
14. Twilight
1.Roots, Alex Haley
2.Jonathan Livingston Seagull
3.Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale
4. Toni Morrison, Beloved
5. The Satanic Verses, Salman Rushdie
6. Angela’s Ashes, Frank McCourt
7. Mountains, Blue and Black
8. Cloud Atlas, David Mitchell (kinda doubt it, though, because of the other title mentioned...)
9. All the Pretty Little Horses, Cormac McCarthy
10. Ian McEwen, Don't You Wish You Had These People's Problems?
11. Anyone Can Have a Poodle on the Cover but How About a Goddamn Upside-Down Poodle?! By Mark McBanal
12. The Life of Pi
13. Audrey Nsomething, the Time Traveller’s Wife
14. Twilight, Stephanie Meyer
You'd think I'd do ok at book covers, but between US covers and my general ignorance of literature, I'm not convinced.
1. Roots, Alex Haley (It never interested me)
2. Jonathan Livingston Seagull? (Again, never read it)
3. Margaret Atwood, The Handmaiden's Tale (on my bookshelf, but yet to be read)
4. No idea. I should read all the Nobel books some time.
5. The Satanic Verses, Salman Rushdie (I'll get to it)
6. Angela's Ashes, Frank McCourt (I've never bothered)
7. No idea, but the cover looks a lot like Breath, by Tim Winton. I couldn't really expect that one to come up, though.
8. Summer Days, David and Goliath
9. All the Pretty Horses, Cormac McCarthy (I'm not doing well in having read these, am I?)
10. Atonement, Ian McEwan (still not read)
11. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, Mark Haddon (Hey hey, I've read this)
12. The Life of Pi, Yann Martel (Absolutely loved it, if you haven't read it yet, do so, the tone is just adorable)
13. The Time Travellers Wife, Audrey Niffinger (another charmer)
14. Twilight, Stephanie Meyer (my brother says I should read these, I'm still not convinced).
Hmm...not great, but half presentable.
Ok ... I can DO This. Maybe.
1. Roots - Alex Hailey (or Haley?)
2. Johnathan Livingston Seagull
3. The Handmaid's Tale - Atwood
4. Beloved - Toni Morrison
5. The Satanic Verses - Rushdie
6. Angela's Ashes - McCourt
7. Cold Mountain
8. Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace (I'm taking an educated guess based on the last name blanks)
9. All the Pretty Horses - Cormac McCarthy
10. Atonement - McEwan
11. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time - Haddon
12. The Life of Pi
13. The Time Traveler's Wife - Niffenegger (one of my favorite books!!!)
14. Twilight - Meyer (if any of these trip up your dorks, it will be this one!! HAHA!)
I'm pretty confident in myself on this one. Too bad I usually suck at the rest of the quizzes!
1. Roots
2. Jonathon Livingston Seagull
3. The Handmaids Tale
4. Beloved
5. The Satanic Verses
6. Angela’s Ashes
7. Cold Mountain
8. Dunno
9. All the Pretty Horses
10. Atonement
11. The Upcommance of a CEO in Black Leather Spats
12. Life of Pi
13. The Time Traveler’s Wife
14. Twilight
12th is Life of Pi
14th is Twilight
No clue about any of the other ones.
Oh dear. I always start on these quizzes with mr. toad-like confidence, and end up quite embarrassed by my own ignorance. The only ones I'm sure of are
the curious incident of the dog in the night-time by Mark Haddon
and Atonement by Ian McEwan - because I own them!
Oh, and, um, Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. But I don't own that one. Never.
1. "Roots" Alex Haley
2. "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"
3. Margaret Atwood "A Handmaid's Tale"
4. "Beloved" Toni Morrison
5. "Satanic Verses" Salman Rushdie
6. "Angela's Ashes" Frank McCourt
7. "Cold Mountain"
8. "Cloudy Sky" David David David?
9. "All the Pretty Horses" Cormac McCarthy (blech)
10. Ian Smith "English Countryside"?
11. "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime" Mark Haddon
12. "The Life of Pi" Yan Martel
13. Audrey Whoseit "The Time Traveler's Wife"
14. "Twilight" Stephanie Teenpleaser
1) Roots by Alex Haley
2) Jonathan Livingston Seagull
3) The Handmaid’s tale by Margaret Atwood
4) Don’t know by Toni Morrison
5) The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie
6) Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt
7) Cold Mountain, Charles Frazier
8) No clue – I have never seen this cover!
9) All the Pretty Horses by Cormack McCarthy
10) Atonement by Ian McEwan
11) The Curious incident of a dog in the night by Mark ?
12) The Book of Pi, by Yan Martel
13) The Time Traveler’s Wife, by Audrey Niffenegger
14) Stumped!
Somehow I feel shamed.....
I know it's unseemly to grovel, M5000, but ALL THE was given, so you ARE going to give me credit for Cormac McCarthy's book, right?
Because I'm doing so badly already, I could use a boost, eh?
I knew the ones I've read, but my question to the Bloggership is: should I read the ones I did not know?? (Recommendations, please.)
@Elaine: Oh, this isn't so much grovelling as a rulings consultation. In point of fact, I gave you half credit, the problem being the word "little."
Recommendations to follow.
I guess I'm past the time limit, but when I started this five minutes ago I swear that I thought it was Wednesday. Will finals week ever end?
1. Roots, Alex Haley
2. Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Richard Bach
3. Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale
4. Beloved, Toni Morrison
5. The Satanic Verses, Salman Rushdie
6. Angela's Ashes, Frank McCourt
7. Cold Mountain, Charles Frazier
8. Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace
9. All the Pretty Horses, Cormac McCarthy
10. Ian McEwan, Atonement
11. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, Mark Salzman (?)
12. ??
13. I got nothing.
14. Twilight, Stephanie Meyer (Do they eat those apples with Forks?)
All right, it's AnswerTime! (tm)
1. Roots
2. Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
3. The Handmaid's Tale
4. Beloved
5. The Satanic Verses
6. Angela's Ashes
7. Cold Mountain
8. Infinite Jest
9. All the Pretty Horses
10. Atonement
11. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
12. The Life of Pi
13. The Time Traveler's Wife
14. Twilight
Which makes the WQ2:3 winners, with perfect 100 point scores, Mrs.5000 and, making her debut for the season, Jenners!
Critical Bill and DrSchnell score 91, with la gringissima, Phineas, d, balaywho, and sister jen all snapping at their heels with 88 points apiece.
Good show all around!
1. Roots -- never read it.
2. Jonathan Livingston Seagull. -- Crap. But only about five minutes of crap.
3. The Handmaid's Tale -- Good, but generally overrated.
4. Beloved -- I read it in college; I don't think I really "got it."
5. The Satanic Verses -- on my to-read shelf.
6. Angela's Ashes -- on my not-to-read shelf.
7. Cold Mountain -- Fine and forgetable.
8. Infinite Jest -- I know smart people who thought this book was great. I thought the first hundred pages were crap.
9. All the Pretty Horses -- I think Cormac McCarthy writes great sentences. I find the paragraphs, chapters, and books pretty slow going.
10. Atonement -- El Fabuloso.
11. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime -- An easy read, but an excellent one.
12. The Life of Pi -- Unlike my esteemed colleagues above, I found this to be an interesting and engaging read. Out of the books I've read in the last five years, I would say that this one did the best job of freaking me out.
13. The Time Traveler's Wife -- reviewed (as "awesome") here.
14. Twilight -- What am I, a fourteen year old girl?
yay! We agree on Life of Pi... the last two pages I wish I could unread. =/ But the rest of it was awesome.
I'm gald you're such a fan of "Life of Pi" and "Time-Traveller's Wife". I think they're both amongst the best books I've read in the last two years.
There is one tiny part of _Angela's Ashes_ that should be read. I read it aloud to my children and husband. It is the part about his teacher...and I can't say more because all that is left, after 12 years, is the assurance that I was once in the presence of greatness. But have someone point it out, and you'll be glad you read it. The remainder of the book, only read if you need something to tip you on over the suicidal-impulse verge.
I have NOT read the two following books, but may someday if I ever get over Angela and her effing Ashes.
Plus I am bitter about being so thoroughly bested when I have actually READ the g-d books!!!
fume, mutter, whine, snivel.....
Oh man! How could I have missed a quiz featuring Canadian books that I like and have read? I have officially forfeited my right to complain^H^H^H^H^H^H^H mention my lack of knowledge of foreign quiz content.
A Handmaid's Tale is social SF written by someone who has an exceptional grasp of characters and social trends, but who is an outsider to sf. It's like a publication by a researcher publishing in a journal outside her field of training.
I doubt you shall see me doing this good again.
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