The Wednesday Quiz -- Season II -- Quiz 1
State Flags
The Wednesday Quiz is a "closed-book" test of knowledge and intuition; please do not look up answers, ask others for help, or answer as a team.
Questions about the rules and the ~Fabulous Prizes~ are answered here.
This week's Quiz is a identification game. For each image,
Identify the State Flag
Here are 10 flags of U.S. States. Identify them for 10 points apiece.
Identify the State Flag
Here are 10 flags of U.S. States. Identify them for 10 points apiece.
NOTE: If you are a non-UnitedStatesean who intends to compete regularly throughout Season Two, you may request an alternative Quiz appropriate to your own country in the comments. No, really, you can. And I will happily provide.
















Oh, dear. I am confident of one (1) flag.
4. Texas
5. Massachusetts
6. New York
7. Hawaii
8. Maryland
9. Florida
10. Virginia
No clue. Only knew Ohio. tsk.
As a Quastolian, I humbly request a Quastolia-centric flag quiz.
1. Arizona
2. Maryland
3. Ohio (yay!)
4. Texas
5. Hmmm. Delaware?
6. Hawaii
7. South Carolina
8. Rhode Island
9. Hmm. Florida?
10. Tennessee.
But just in case you won't honor my request...
1. Arizona
2. Maryland
3. Ohio
4. Texas
5. Delaware
6. Hawaii
7. South Carolina
8. Rhode Island
9. New Hampshire
10. Tennessee
1. Arizona
2. Maryland
3. Ohio
4. Texas
5. Delaware
6. Hawaii
7. South Carolina
8. Rhode Island
9. New Hampshire
10. Tennessee
(I've lived in or currently live in 3 of those states - is that cheating?)
I love guessing games!
1. Arizona
2. Louisiana
3. Georgia
4. Texas
5. Boy, this one gets a low grade on the Whosit scale. Massachussettssss?
6. Sheesh, that's stripey. Kentucky?
7. South Carolina. Obviously a Muslim state.
8. Oh, Maine, why not.
9. Delaware.
10. I have never, ever seen this flag before. And you didn't say "states and territories" so I can't guess Guam or someplace like that. So ... Ohio. What the hell.
1. Arizona
2. ...New Hampshire?
3. Ohio
4. Texas
5. Pennsylvania -.-
6. Hawaii
7. South Carolina
8. Maryland :(
9. Delaware >.<
10. Tennessee
1 arizona
2 maryland
3 dear lord. that is one ugly flag. um.
4 tejas
5 one of those eastern states i bet. pennsylvania?
6 um. southern i bet. georgia.
7 s carolina
8 maine
9 those are some creepy-ass birds. new hampshire
10 oh hell. nevada.
The PELICAN is plucking her breast to feed the babies her life's blood. (I do not think they do this is real life.) It is supposed to be on a coat of arms of some forebears on my maternal side...possibly a sinister message about motherhood?
Ohio is the only state with a 'pennant' style flag.
1. ?
2. Maryland!!!!!
3. Ohio!!!!!
4. Texas?
5. Pennsylvania?
6. Connecticut?
7. South Carolina
8. wtf? I'm gonna say Rhode Island.
9. Somewhere with cranes: Michigan?
10. Tennessee
Elaine, I can immediately understand why you guessed Indiana for #2... LOL
1 Arizona
2 Maryland
3 Ohio
4 Texas
5 Maine?
6 Georgia?
7 South Carolina
8 Rhode Island?
9 Louisiana
10 Tennessee
Wow, yikes. These are U.S. states? Most of mine are totally random guesses.
1. I always think it's Hawaii, but it's not. I'm gonna say Arizona.
2. Louisiana
3. Rhode Island
4. North Dakota
5. Massachusets
6. Hawaii!
7. Guam
8. Maine
9. Vermont
10. Virginia
1. Arizona
2. Maryland
3. Ohio
4. Texas
5. New Jersey
6. Georgia
7. South Carolina
8. Rhode Island
9. Some boring state with a generic flag - Kentucky?
10. Tennessee
1. Arizona
2. Maryland
3. Ohio
4. Texas
5. Delaware
6. Hawaii
7. South Carolina
8. Rhode Island?
9. Louisiana?
10. Some southern place.... Tennessee?
How do people know these? I only knew Texas, and even that one I wasn't sure on. Well, I'm still batting 1,000 on the rock music quizes.
Where's my daughter's placemat when I need it? Oh yeah, that would be cheating.
1. Oklahoma
2. Maryland
3. Virginia
4. Texas
5. Delaware
6. New Hampshire
7. Florida
8. Massachussetts
9. West Virginia
10. Vermont
I was going to soldier through, as it didn't seem fair to request flags of a country with 10 provinces and 3 territories against those with 50 states, but then I looked at the selection, and I don't feel as if I've ever seen any of them. I would have believed you made them all up.
May I request a Canadian version?
Meanwhile I'll follow Cartophiliac's lead and give my guesses on the ones on offer.
1. New Mexico (sort of desert-y)
2. Delaware (they can't make many flags like that, so it must be a small place)
3. Indiana (>13 stars, but not too many more)
4. Texas (it has a star!)
5. Massachusetts (maybe the smart people were working on constitutional stuff and they got rid of the "can I help?" idiots by saying "make us a flag!")
6. Virginia (it has to be one of the original thirteen, but why the heck would they not change the flag from the union jack?)
7. Florida (but an alternate Florida so close to the moon that its shadow doesn't cause a perfect lunar eclipse)
8. Rhode Island (thirteen stars, nothing but maritime)
9. South Carolina (is that a pelican or a gryffonsnake)
10. Oklahoma (looks sort of like the General Lee from the Dukes of Hazard, and I already used South Carolina)
Aviatrix: Your Canadian version will be the one that counts.
My Canadian version:
1. Nunavut
2. Ontario
3. Northwest Territories
4. Yukon
5. Prince Edward Island
6. New Brunswick
7. Newfoundland & Labrador
8. Nova Scotia
9. Alberta
10. Saskatchewan
My view out of my office window is what I call 'Cruise Ship Row', which is conveniently decorated with all 50 state flags every summer. Even thought I am like, the 200th person to comment, I want you to know that I am pretty confident that I could id all 50 states in less than 2 minutes.
1. Arizona
2. Maryland
3. Ohio
4. Texas
5. Delaware
6. Hawaii
7. S. Carolina
8. Rhode Island
9. Louisiana
10. Tennessee
It's been brought! (At least until you go back to those pesky country flags...)
Hmmm, in my cockiness, I didn't actually spell check that... oops.
M5000: As an Australian National, could I request a quiz of Australian State and territory flags.
Unfortunately, we have many fewer...the states are quite easy, but the territories not so much, so it wouldn't be a fair comparison, I suspect. I am also a bt of a flag nerd (currently making up another system for judging flags to steal your thunder).
Perhaps city coats of arms or something?
Since I can't resist looking like a fool (I can't even name all your states):
1. Nevada (I get a dawning
2. Maryland (I've always liked this flag, it feels so European)
3. Georgia (Someone Southern, anyway...since I'm reading GWtW on your recommendation atm, let's go with that)
4. Texas (The Lone Star State)
5. Maine (Gargh, this could be any of them...)
6. Hawaii (I always thought it was odd that they kept the union flag)
7. Florida (I have no idea!...you did say STATES, right?..this could be a great Canting flag for Cocoluna Country, if there's such a place)
8. Rhode Island
9. That's the flag of the Order of the Pelican..the Society for Creative Anachronism's higherst order of chivalry... I'll say Washington State.
10. I think that's OK Oklahoma.
Blegh...My criteria is this:
Any ten flags of Australian design or usage..we've got very few cities, states, etc...it woudn't be fair otherwise, even if it is my special subject ;)
You know, I think I could have done Canadian Provincial Flags pretty well. I was in Canada a LOT from 70 til 95....
It was the best I could do...(wiping eyes)...even though I knew it was wrong. If you're ignorant, try to be funny!!! Thank you for your support.
You know darn well that no one studies the state flags unless they live there! I raised children in Ohio; that was the flag I knew. In addition, a lot (but not enough) of Southern states did modify their flags in recent decades. State history (such as it is) is studied in 8th grade. As my 45th HS class reunion is approaching, you will readily see that >50 years has passed..... and I think the Georgia flag changed.
Where, oh where, is my woodpecker quiz?
Unwise: If you send an email to the obvious gmail account, an Australian-accomodating variant is yours. I came prepared for you and the Aviatrix.
Sweet. You do look after me, M5000.
Email is sent.
Australian version sent. But it's probably night down there or something.
I had a map of Canada jigsaw puzzle when I was a child, and it had the provincial crest emblazoned on each province. It helps too that the flags do depict things that are stereotypical or unique to each province.
I knew there was a chance I had NWT and Yukon reversed. I was distracted by the gold bars on the NWT one.
I got it at...2.39AM, I'd jsut gone to bed :(
1. New South Wales (Lion of Wales under the Southern Cross)
2. Tasmania (English Lion, always seemed an odd symbol to me)
3. Western Australia (once called the Swan River Province, so the swan is apropriate)
4. Queensland (Used to be Queen Victoria's head, but they replaced it with a crown and maltese cross when she got fat). You think I'm kidding but I'm not.
5. South Australia (Piping Shrike...our state symbol is basically a dwarf magpie)
6. Victoria (Crowned Southern cross, the crown changes depending on the current monarch, this is an OLD flag (as far as Australian ones go).
7. Northern Territory (ISn't it gorgeous?)
Thanks for the extra effort, M5000, I appreciate it. Our state flags are all very themed, aren't they? There's a new set that have been floating around for the last year, based on the NT and ACT ones, the style is called Austrlian Pale. Very attractive, except for the Tasmanian one...but anything would be an improvement on that horrible British Lion.
aaaand the UnitedStatsian answers are like so!
1. Arizona
2. Maryland
3. Ohio
4. Texas
5. Delaware
6. Hawaii
7. South Carolina
8. Rhode Island
9. Louisiana
10. Tennessee
Making the co-winners of the Season 2 kickoff defending champion DrSchnell, Flagmeister Kadonkadonk, and -- playing Austrian Rules FlagBall -- the Unwise Owl. Carto, Calico, and la gringa were only 10 points behind.
Want a shot at the Australian and Canadian versions? YOU KNOW YOU DO!!! Unofficial master's quiz, coming soon.
Austrian rules?
What, merge with the nearest major power and see what happends?
(I kid, I kid).
Can they all be state flags? We really don't need any Russia lit or real/fake historical events. I'd be ok with a Harry Potter category though...
After someone pointed out the name of that bird on the LA flag, I knew I guessed wrong on that one... Oh well.
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