The Brackets!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Year of the Tiger!

Credit: apparently occasional L&TM5K commenter Margaret's buddy Scott Nasburg.

Update: per Nichim's comment:


  1. This image would be better if it were cut into the shape of Oregon, for this upcoming Sunday is not only the beginning of the Year of the (Metal) Tiger and the Day of St. Valentine, but the 151st birthday of our fair state. I am not going to celebrate with extra-strong rum drinks, but I hope someone else will.

  2. It's a collaboration that just keeps getting better. However, I am sad that the Oregon version crops out the heart.

  3. That reminds me of a story -- my American mom's 1st & last initials are V. D. (her married last name).

    She was a physical therapist during and after WWII. On her first hospital job, she initialized all the paper work that went through her desk, until one day someone said "it's weird, we sure have a lot of guys in with VD..."

  4. fingers, that is an awesome story indeed. Happy Oregon's metal tiger birthday!


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