Ruth -- The blue spot is our room. 10th floor. Parking facilities on 10 floor directly under the pool. -- Gary drove his car practically to our hotel Room.
Hi Folks, Hope your vacation was great! Weather is nippy in AM but sunny -- Enjoyed our first few days & much more to come -- a lot of nice people. The foliage is beautiful, see you later. Florence & ElWALCOTT JUNCTION, WYOMING

Hi Everyone -- This place is too much. Don't like Wyoming at all. Headed now for Salt Lake -- then Boise -- then Portland. Everything going well -- Hope all is OK with you. More later -- give my love to the fish. George.

Hi -- Left after the Final. It could go either way. Went out walking today and I think I've got 2 sore feet. Gary
It really is hard to choose...but I think Walcott Junction has to be my fave this time. You don't get much more.....desolate? But the sky IS big...
Love the BART postcard... where are the Tri-Met cards???
With that, you have literally revealed a whole new dimension of boringness in your collection. I thought you sought boring pictures, but there you have boring on both sides.
You have given me a great idea. I'm taking a road trip around the US (BC a little too) and sending cards would be a neat thing to do. I wonder if there are any these that are as good. I usually see ones with glitter and too many graphics. I'll have to search.
I linked my name to the page where I have the map sketched out. Perhaps we could have lunch or something?
Minus the first one, I don't know which is more boring ... the front or the backs of these!
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