Movies of 2001!
During the Decathlon, the Monday Quiz will have nine (9) images. Also, answers may be submitted until Noon Pacific Daylight Time Tuesday.
Monday Quiz Scoring: Having the most correct answers OR having at least seven correct answers will win you the MQLXXI EP.
During the Decathlon, the Monday Quiz will have nine (9) images. Also, answers may be submitted until Noon Pacific Daylight Time Tuesday.
Monday Quiz Scoring: Having the most correct answers OR having at least seven correct answers will win you the MQLXXI EP.
Decathlon Scoring: The first seven correct answers will be worth 3 Decathlon Points apiece. The eighth and ninth correct answers will be worth 2 Decathlon Points apiece.
For each image, identify the 2001 movie that it came from!


Please excuse my spelling mistakes.
1. Moulan Rouge
2. Black Hawke Down
3. A Beatiful Mind
4. Mosters Inc
5. Pearl Harbour
6. The Royal Tenebaums
7. The Mexican
8. No Clue Drawing a complete blank
9. A.I. or Artificual Intelligence I think the title was A.I. but I can't remember.
1. moulin rouge
2. a war movie
3. a beautiful mind
4. monsters, inc
5. pearl harbour
6. royal tenebaums
7. like that keanu reeves romance w/o keanu reeves
8. whatever it is, it's a lot of money
9. a.i.
1. Moulin Rouge
2. gah! I don't watch war movies... Jar Head?
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monsters Inc.
5. Pearl Harbor
6. The Royal Tennebaums
7. The Mexican
8. Miami Vice?
9. AI: Artificial Intelligence
1. Moulin Rouge
2. Black Hawk Down
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monsters, Inc.
5. Pearl Harbour
6. The Royal Tennenbaums ?
7. The Mexican
8. ???
9. AI (Artificial Intelligence)
1. The Ritz Carleton
2. Black Hawk Down
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monsters, Inc
5. Pearl
6. Driving Miss Daisy Crazy
7. Thelma and Louise
8. Bales of Money for Breakfast
9. I See Bad Dream People
1. Moulin Rouge
2. Black Hawk Down
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monster's Inc.
5. Pearl Harbor
6. Royal Tenenbaums
7. The Mexican
8. Blow
9. AI
1. Moulin Rouge
2. dunno
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monsters, Inc.
5. dunno
6. the Royal Tennenbaums
7. dunno
8. dunno
9. dunno
1. Moulin Rouge
2. Black Hawk Down
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monsters, Inc.
5. Pearl Harbor
6. Damn. Damn. DAMN! I can't remember the title I'm trying to think of. The Amazing somebodies? The Fabulous Somebodies? I don't even know if I'm thinking of the right movie, but I do know I'm not remembering. I'll go with the Fabulous Wallendas even though that's not it.
7. Gigli
8. The Score
9. The Electric Grandmother
#4 I'm sure about. The rest--no. Oh, for Pete's sake. I just realized definitively, looking at it, that my #3 is wrong. It's not A Beautiful Mind; it's that other math one set in Boston whose name I don't remember.
Hey, you know who I always liked in the Olympics? The amateurs who tried really hard despite lack of training and/or aptitude! Eddie the Eagle, baby! (I was quite irked when the Olympic Committee decided they would have competency standards.)
1. moulin rouge
2. courage under fire?
3. beautiful mind
4. monsters, inc.
5. pearl harbor
6. royal tannenbaums
7. the mexican
8. heat?
9. ai
1. Moulin Rouge. Haven't seen it.
2. Black Hawk Down, probably. Haven't seen that either.
3. The one about the mathematician, but not Good Will Hunting. The cerebral one. Didn't see it though.
4. Monsters Inc. Loved it.
5. That looks like WWII. No idea what's exploding. Pearl Harbor?
6. No clue, but it looks very interesting.
7. No clue, but it looks very dull.
8. Take The Money And Run, 2008 remake. Haven't the faintest on this one.
9. A.I. Weirdly compelling movie.
Off to a not-quite-rip-roarin' start here.
moulin rouge / black hawk down / a perfect mind / monsters, inc. / pearl harbor / the royal tennenbaums! / the mexican / blow or traffic i can't decide nor remember. blow. i'll go with blow. / a.i.
Your timing is spectacular, because with my semester just ended I finally have available the mental energy these challenges really deserve. So, I'm back! :-)
1. Moulin Rouge
2. Blackhawk Down
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monsters Inc
5. Pearl Harbor
6. The Royal Tennenbaums
7. The Mexican
8. Crapcrapcrap. No idea.
9. AI: Artificial Intelligence (also the title of the guy who wrote the last half hour or so of the movie)
1 Moulin Rouge
2 Black Hawk Down
3 A Beautiful Mind
4 Monsters, Inc.
5 Pearl Harbor. I feel I'm on a roll with all my guesses, here.
6 The Royal Tennenbaums
7 oh, that looks like that Gus Van Sant movie, that was supposed to be so tedious, with the tedious title...um...see, there's Brad Pitt...do I get partial credit for showing my work? A one word title, but I have no idea what word, so I'll use the working title: "A Good Walk Spoiled."
8 oh, maybe that's that remake...Ocean's Eleven?
9 OK, that kid looks familiar. The droidnecks, not so much. The Village.
1. "Moulin Rouge"
2. "Black Hawk Down"?
3. "A Beautiful Mind" -- I think.
4. "Monsters, Inc."
5. Doesn't look even vaguely familiar -- how about " War of the Worlds"
6. "The Royal Tennenbaums" -- with my fave, Ben Stiller
7. Hmmm. Something about Mexico...maybe "The Mexican"?
8. The final Bill and Ted adventure "Bill and Ted's Excellent Bank Robbery"
9. I think it is "A.I."
dang! I swear I thought 'black hawk down' but talked myself out of it because I thought it was a much older movie than that. gah!
And serendipity I had to sit quietly and stare at the other pictures before the title for #6 popped into my head. I was stuck on 'the life aquatic' for a long time.
1. Moulin Rouge
2. Black Hawk Down
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monsters, Inc.
5. Pearl Harbor
6. The Royal Tennenbaums (sp?)
7. The Mexican
8. No clue. Traffic?
9. A.I.
1. Moulin Rouge
2. Black Hawk Down
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monsters Inc.
5. Pearl Harbor
6. The Royal Tennebaums
7. The Mexican
8. Blow
9. AI: Artificial Intelligence
PS - It's only 9:20am in Alaska right now. I am not waking up at 4am just to answer earlier so I think I'm going to be at a disadvantage for the decathlon...
Or am I reading that wrong? Does everyone get points, or just the first person? Because I was really counting on movies/music/pop culture to pull me through the geography/history crap...
1. I remember watching this... set in Paris... was it named for the building - like the Majestic, but not, since that was the Jim Carry one? Ok, I'm just giving up before this drives me insane. Not a good omen...
2. Black Hawk Down
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monsters, Inc.
5. Pearl Harbor (or something like that - a WWII film of epic scale but not epic quality)
6. The Royal Tenenbaums
7. October Sky?
8. Absolutely no clue. I suppose I should guess... ummm... Leaving Las Vegas.
9. I, Robot? I always get the robot movies mixed up. Of course, I can't say it really matters, since I can't think of any of the names of any of the other robot movies off the top of my head anyway.
Arrrgh. Moulin Rouge, that's right. Oh well, at least it wouldn't have made a difference in terms of points.
I am media deprived. But I'll try to guess something.
1. Batman.
2. Some war movie
3. Some math movie, probably a romance: A Beautiful Mind?
4. Shrek
5. Another war movie, from an earlier war
6. That's Ben Afleck, right? Those kids are dressed up like him. Family comedy?
7. That's Julia Roberts, and Brad Pitt. (See, I _can_ recognize a few celebrities!)
8. A wacky hijinks crime movie?
9. A sci-fi movie, but not one I've seen. Is this the right time period for AI?
1. Moulin Rouge
2. Some war, somewhere (no f. idea)
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monsters Inc.
5. Another war, somewhere else.
6. Oh, i think i've heard about this film, but i haven't seen it. Don't know the answer.
7. The Mexican
8. Mmmm, loads of money, and the guy on the right looks like Jordi Molla. Wild guess: Blow
9. I hope the title in English is Artificial Intelligence, otherwise i don't know it.
That was way more difficult than it seemed when reading the title.
1. Moulin Rouge
2. Blackhawk Down?
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monsters, Inc.
5. Pearl Harbor?
6. No idea
7. Mexico?
8. Ocean's 11?
9. I, Robot
Dang, I feel somewhat confident about 6 of 9. But I needed at least 7...
1. Moulin Rouge
2. BlackHawk Down
3. about John Nash..aha ...A Beautiful Mind
4. Shrek
5. Pearl Harbor
6. The Royal Tennenbaums
7. The Mexican
8. Crash --I have no clue
9. Haley Joel Ozment meets the Zombies....ick.
1. Moulin Rouge?
2. ?
3. ?
4. Monsters, Inc.
5. ?
6. ?
7. ?
8. ?
9. AI
1. Moulin Rouge
2. Black Hawk Down
3. Dangerous Minds (that doesn't sound right, but I'm going with it)
4. Monsters Inc
5. Pearl Harbor
6. Rats. This is the only movie on this list I actually saw, and can I remember its stupid name? No. Something with Kaufman? Meet the Kaufmans? I keep thinking I heart Huckabee, but that was later. Shoot.
7. Something about Mexico. And a gun. Or jewels. Or maybe it was a jeweled gun.
8. He was a drug guy. That's all I got.
9. Poor boy, he was an android who just wanted to be loved. I got nothing on this one either.
Moulin Rouge
Black Hawk Down
A Beautiful Mind
Monsters Inc
Pearl Harbor
That Wes Anderson film I hate ...aha, Royal Tennebaums
Erin Brockavich? WTF?
Brewster's Millions? (no idea)
Rebel, you know the sad thing is that I sat with the CD case for the Royal Tennenbaums on my office desk for, I dunno, a semester or so after a student loaned it to me, and it was a terrific conversation starter with the hip students. "Oh, that's the best movie!" they would say. (Presumably they weren't confused and thought that made me hip as well. If they knew about this debacle, that would be utterly clear.)
1. Moulin Rouge
2. Black Hawk Down
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monsters, Inc.
5. Pearl Harbor
6. The Royal Tenenbaums
7. The Mexican
8. Blow
9. A.I. Artificial Intelligence
2001 was one of the last years I was able to watch movies uniterrupted. Ahhh. It was a very good year.
1. moulin rouge
2. black hawk down...maybe
3. a beautiful mind
4. monsters
5. pearl harbor
6. the royal tannenbaums (sp?)
7. brad pit and julia roberts in mexico...bandits? or something like that.
8. no clue
9. that star wars movie where darth vader becomes darth vader?
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monsters INC
5. Pearl Harbor
6. Royal Tennanbaums
7. The Mexican
9. A.I.
1. Moulin Rouge
2. Black Hawke Down
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monsters, Inc.
5. Pearl Harbor
6. The Royal Tannenbaums
7. The Mexican
8. Blow
9. A.I.
1. La Cage Aux Folles ??? -- I doubt it.
2. Black Hawk Down
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monsters, Inc.
5. Pearl Harbor
6. The Royal Tanenbaums
7. --- just don't know. I can name the two movie stars but not the movie.
8. Blown Away
9. A.I.
1. Moulin Rouge
2. Black Hawk Down (never seen it, but I know it's about a helicopter crash)
3. A Beautiful Mind
4. Monsters, Inc.
5. Pearl Harbor
6. The Royal Tennenbaums (one of my all time favorites)
7. It looks like consensus is that it's The Mexican (haven't seen it), but my guess was Erin Brockovich (also haven't seen it)
8. Donnie Brasco (I'm going on the mustache here, but I think it's older than 2001)
9. A.I.
I think spelling should count, for Pete's sake.
I taught special education students most of my career; surely participants of The L&TM5K can spell better than those kids?!
And they're off! It's noon in Oregon, which means that Event #1 is complete.
The answers, with irrelevant commentary, are as follows:
1. Moulin Rouge -- A surprisingly original and enjoyable film.
2. Black Hawk Down -- The last movie I ever watched at a first-run theater. I hate advertising.
3. A Beautiful Mind -- Still haven't got around to seeing this one.
4. Monsters, Inc. -- Never saw it.
5. Pearl Harbor -- Dreck.
6. The Royal Tenenbaums -- Eh.
7. The Mexican -- Surprisingly adequate, if you walk in ready for mediocrity.
8. Blow -- Forgettable.
9. A.I. Artificial Intelligence -- Eh.
Damn I thought it was Blow! Should have gone with it. Had a hard time remembering as I watched it stoned. Then I realized I watched Black Hawk Down stoned. Seeing a pattern here must have been dating Mr. Washington in 2001 or 2002 as I saw them all on DVD.
@Serendip: Good thing you didn't change your original answer. There's some sort of trite lesson here....
@Missy: Yay! Missy's back!
@Kadonk: Timing isn't important in the Decathlon, as long as you make the deadlines. Back to sleep!
@Nichim: I salute your effort in this first contest!
@Sandy: Love the new avatar image!
@Serendip: Are you suggesting that you aren't hip? Perish the thought.
@Elaine: You've been reading this blog for a few months -- do you REALLY think I'm going to hassle people about their spelling? Or that I could if I wanted to?
Well, it WOULD be the pot calling the kettle names for you to dock points for spelling, but really: Tannenbaum? (Who was it that played the tree?)
Actually, I totally gave up and just started calling my students "boy and grils." It seemed simply that way....
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