The Brackets!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Monday Quiz LXV

Name That Country!






Submit your answers in the comments.


  1. 1. Ecuador
    2. Guatemala
    3. Somalia
    4. Estonia
    5. Jordan

    Wow. I am positive only about Ecuador. The next is Central America, I think, but it could be Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras...or could it be the north coast of S. America? Paraguay? Three appears to be North Africa...but every country has a new name since the days I had to memorize the geography of that continent. I mean, I still think "French Equatorial Africa, Belgian Congo, Rhodesia." Nest is one of: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania--three little edible countries once part of the USSR, whether they liked it or not. And the last? I have no clue, honestly, and couldn't even come up with a good guess. Maps, ugh.

  2. Equador
    El Salvador
    One of the Balitcs/Russia???

  3. 1. Ecuador
    2. El Salvador
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Estonia
    5. Eritrea

    EEEEEEk! What a quiz!

  4. 1. Equador - that equator thingy was a dead giveaway :o)
    2. El Salvador
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Estonia
    5. Some place near a lot of water...

  5. 1. Ecuador
    2. El Salvador
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Estonia
    5. Oh crap. I saw the right answer. I'm going to recuse myself.

  6. 1. Ecuador
    2. El Salvador
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Estonia
    5. Eritrea

    If I hadn't noticed the theme, I would have been lost on the 4th one. But I'm pretty confident with my answer.

  7. i really, really need to start studying some geography. boo.

    1 ecuador

    2 el salvador

    3 (continuing in the 'e' vein) ethiopia

    4 estonia? that's the only country i can think of that would be there. and we all know how much of a hard-on you've got for estonia.

    5. um...united arab Emirates?

  8. Never been to any of these places but I would guess that they are:
    E cuador
    E l Salvador
    E thiopia
    E stonia
    E ritrea

    What no bonus map?

  9. 1 / Ecuador
    2 / El Salvador
    3 / Ethiopia
    4 / Estonia
    5 / Eritrea
    6 / Errorprone

  10. With utter confidence I gleefully answer the quiz:
    1. Ecuador
    2. El Salvador
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Estonia
    5. Eritrea!

  11. 1 Ecuador
    2 El Salvador
    3 Somalia
    4 one of the Baltics, but, um...Estonia?
    5 um...United Arab Emirates?

  12. You know, some Monday morning, about the time you're struggling to come up with a quiz of countries that start with X, I'll remember to pay attention to the first letter. Until then, ah well.

    I look forward to the LiveBlogging event. It's always great to read your blog and find out what you're up to.

  13. 1. If that's not Ecuador, I'm in trouble.
    2. no idea... an island country perhaps - the Dominican Republic?
    3. Looks like it's near the horn of Africa... and one of the areas says Somali... so am I retarded if I say Somalia?
    4. making a wild stab with the old standby Estonia
    5. ummmm... digging up a name out of the 'tiny countries' bag uh - Hondurus?

  14. Fuck yeah! I knew I'd seen the Gulf of Riga before.

  15. 1. Ecuador
    2. El Salvador
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Estonia
    5. Eritrea

    EEEEEasy! : )

  16. 1. Equador
    2. El Salvador
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Dunno, but it's nearing the pole somewhere
    5. Absolutely no idea

  17. Oh, OW. My name even starts with E, and it never occurred to me that a quiz would have a theme first letter. After a while I will catch on to your little ways.... Darn it, I knew I had #2 wrong, but just could NOT come up with all the Central American nations. I knew it wasn't Panama, but that's all. Needless to say, I am plumping for more literature quizzes, more quizzes with cooking or artists! Or obscure diseases!

  18. 1. Ecuador!
    2. Guatemala
    3. Somalia
    4. Belarus
    5. This looks a lot like it borders the country I identified (wrong or not) as Somalia in #3 above... How about Sudan?

  19. Ok, one comfort is that I'm not the only one who missed the E clue. Is this going to stop being a thing now that we actually realize it?

  20. It is true. I chose to, as is my custom, select countries that all began with the same letter. Will I do the same in the future? Not tellin'.

    1. Ecuador

    2. El Salvador

    3. Ethiopia

    4. L&TM5K Most Favored Nation Estonia

    5. Eritrea

  21. That means six people take home the MQLXV EP!

    DrSchnell takes his 25th Exclamation Point, putting him back in a tie with Mrs.5000 on the top of the Monday Quiz leaderboard.

    Karmasartre becomes the fifth person to collect 20 EPs; Cartophiliac, showing his usual prowess in matters mappy, is right behind him with 19.

    Nichim grabs her ninth EP with authority! As does Dug, who generally only shows up when maps are involved and yet still has a collection of 5 EPs.

    Morgan, no stranger to success on Thursday, gets his first crossover hit on the Monday Quiz, and becomes the 55th human to score some MQ swag.

    Thanks for playing, y'all!

  22. @Elaine: The Quizzes have evolved an absurd number of little catches and traditions. But I bet you'll love next weeks, which will be about great chefs who have died of obscure dieases in works of literature!


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